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The Alpha's Contract Luna (Alexia) novel Chapter 11


“It’s nice to meet you, Alpha Declan and Luna Grace.” Alexia smiled. She bowed and said, “The law Luna Grace and Alpha Declan had passed onto the council allowed many women a better education. I admire your cause.”

“That was many years ago, young luna, but thank you for remembering our contribution to the nation,” Luna Grace replied, also acknowledging Alexia. She turned to Kieran and said, “What a courteous luna you have, Alpha Kieran.”

“Hmmm,” Kieran replied.

Alexia heard it again. The kind of acknowledgment that gave her no clue if Kieran was pleased or not.

Kieran put a hand on the small of her back and introduced her to another alpha. Referring to a man with long hair, he said, “And this is Alpha Kai. His pack borders the nation’s east, The Hidden Mist Pack.”

Alexia saw Alpha Kai’s eyes glisten at her. As she extended her hand to greet him, he took it, but instead of shaking it, he kissed her knuckles.

For a moment, Alexia thought, the surrounding air thickened. She suspected the sudden change in the mood came from Kieran.

Alpha Kai smirked in Kieran’s direction, saying, “You lucky bastard. King Balthasar favors you in every way. He found you a young and beautiful mate.”

Alpha Kai returned his attention to Alexia. He suggested, “If Kieran mistreats you, my dear. So you know, I am still… unmated.”

There was no helping it. Alexia flushed. Alpha Kai was the youngest alpha that attended the wedding. He was as handsome as Kieran and appeared to be welcoming. Alexia tried to find the right answer, but Kieran warned Alpha Kai, “Flirt with other women, but not with my wife.”

Hearing Kieran’s words made Alexia’s heart flutter. She had to take a deep breath and remind herself that the man was only acting out in front of them, especially since the king was three meters away.

Kieran quickly guided Alexia away from the sly alpha and introduced her to the other guests.

After greeting the other visitors, Alexia and Kieran returned to the table where all the alphas sat. They strolled to the end of the table where the king and queen had already settled.

Alexia saw how the king smiled at Kieran. With his head down, Kieran said, “Your Highness, thank you for gracing us with your presence.”

Alexia also bowed in acknowledgment, greeting, “Good evening, your highness. It is my pleasure to meet you.”

“Kieran, don’t you think I chose well for you?” King Balthasar said. He smiled brightly at Alexia and asked, “Is Kieran treating you well, child?”

Alexia smiled and cautiously replied, “Yes, Your Highness. I’ve never been so indulged all my life. The Stone Blood Pack has been very welcoming.”

She purposely turned to Kieran, and their eyes met. Alexia could tell her answer surprised him.

“Good.” The king proudly said, “A ruthless alpha needs a kind luna to run the biggest pack of Taplean.”

Turning to the woman beside him, the king introduced, “And this is your queen, Helen.”

“It is an honor to meet you, my queen,” Alexia greeted.

Alexia hoped for kind words, but the queen merely said, “You may sit.”

Everyone was enjoying their meal except for Alexia. She became mindful, surrounded by influential figures, much more being in the king’s company. She barely touched her food as they all discussed the pending war.

“Let us have another council meeting next week,” the king said. “There are matters about the recent attacks that bother me.”

With a sigh, King Balthasar turned to Kieran, asking, “Kieran, how in the world are our enemies finding their way to the coast? Didn’t we mine our seas?”

“It appears someone is guiding them through the mines,” Kieran responded.

“If I may say, my king, I thought the same,” Alpha Declan said. “The details of the mines were only made available to the council of alphas.”

“Who would dare betray Taplean? It must be someone from the coast. They are the closest reach of Eswen,” another alpha said. It was Alpha Blaze, the ruler of The Golden Eye Pack. from what Alexia recalled, he was the oldest alpha of all of Taplean.

“They are Eswen’s first victims, the first pack to have suffered many losses. I don’t see a reason for them to help the enemy,” Kieran pointed out.

“In any case, Kieran, look into that,” the king ordered.

“Balthasar, Kieran has so many responsibilities. Why don’t our son or -” The Queen pursed her lips before looking at the table surrounded by alphas. She said, “Maybe Alpha Blaze can look into it?”

Chapter 11 1

Chapter 11 2


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