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The Alpha's Contract Luna (Alexia) novel Chapter 12


“Why did you do that? Why did you humiliate me like that?!” Kieran growled. His hands held his waist as he questioned Alexia. “No one seeks the king that way. He is our king! He is above us, and there are rules to follow when speaking to the royal family! He was about to leave with the queen, and you chased after him?!”

Kieran snarled and added, “Then you almost fell on your face and let the king catch you?!”

“Is - is it so wrong to seek answers, Alpha Kieran?” She asked while keeping her head down. As she revealed, her voice trembled, “I - I just wanted to know why he chose me to be your wife.”

“Do you think I haven’t already asked, Alexia?!” With an exasperated sigh, Kieran said, “You should have asked while we were at the table! It was more appropriate to seek his time, then! He was already talking to you!”

“I’m - I’m sorry, Alpha. I didn’t have the courage then. I was hoping to speak to the king alone,” Alexia reasoned. “I - I just thought, maybe the king would be considerate of me since - since I am now your wife -”

“Know your place!” Kieran snapped. “You are only a contract wife!”

‘Contract wife.’ The words stabbed her heart like a knife. ‘Did he really have to rub it in my face? Did he forget she was also forced into this situation?’

“Be thankful that the king did not shame you!” Kieran said. “This shall not happen again, Alexia. You hear me!”

“I promise.” Her lips trembled. She stuttered in her reply, “I’m - I’m sorry, Alpha Kieran. I know my place. It - it will not happen again.”

Dead air fell upon them, and in the next few seconds, she fixed her gaze on the floor.

During the ceremony, she allowed a small part of her to be mesmerized by Kieran. Thanks to Rae, she considered the possibility of having a real marriage with him, but now, hearing Kieran’s words, she was reminded of how they were not equal.

The truth awakened her. She was only a contract wife to him. She should evade him and avoid breaking the rules at all costs.

Keeping her head down, she asked flatly, “May I be excused, Alpha?”

“Was there anything new to what he told you? Other than trust your king?” Kieran’s tone appeared to have changed as he sought.

Alexia shook her head and replied, “No. His words were the same as yours.”

Earlier, Alexia had hoped to find answers, but King Balthasar simply said, “I am a king for a reason. I do not toy with your lives. Stop asking the reason, and instead, trust in your king.”

“This is your fate, Alexia. Accept it and make the most out of it. I don’t want to be asked about this again. Remember that.” Without giving her another chance to speak, King Balthasar turned to leave for that night.

Alexia did not get the answer she sought. The worst part was how she had created a scene on her own wedding day, a scene that led her here, in Kieran’s office, with him raising his voice at her.

“I won’t seek for the king that way or any of the royal family,” Alexia repeated, her eyes still glued to the floor.

“Remember the social standards,” Kieran said. “You can only speak to the royal family if you are spoken to or if your eyes have met, suggesting they are ready to hear you. If you are not in the king’s presence, you course your concerns through me, your alpha! It will be my job to request his private time.”

“Alexia, occasionally, the king bends these social standards for the alphas and the lunas, but we should not abuse it, especially in front of the queen. Queen Helen is strict in keeping things as they should be,” Kieran added.

She nodded. Alexia didn’t care to look at him anymore. Why should she? Just when she felt so attracted to him that day, he had to ruin it by reminding her of her place.

Alexia heard Kieran groan. She could feel his eyes on her as he repeatedly breathed in and out. Eventually, he said, “Go up to your room and rest. We all have had a long day. Alexia, I’m -”

“Thank you, Alpha Kieran. I shall take my leave.” She stood up and turned around without waiting for his approval. She did not care. She did not want to care.

Alexia just… wanted to be alone.

Chapter 12 1

Chapter 12 2


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