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The Alpha's Contract Luna (Alexia) novel Chapter 15


"How did this happen?" Kieran sought, his eyes narrowing at Jaxon and his gammas.

Jaxon, being his beta, was Kieran's right hand. The gammas were under Jaxon's supervision. They were the best among the fighters of the Stone Blood Pack. In front of Kieran, four gammas stood, their eyes on the floor. There was Seth, Ace, Sam, and Rob.

Seth was the youngest, Kieran's distant cousin. He took charge of the east boundary. Ace was the most senior and the strongest, in control of the front perimeter. Sam and Rob took the remaining frontiers.

Kieran still had other gammas leading the war on the coast. Others were visiting the other territories belonging to Kieran's control.

"Alpha Kieran, I regret to inform you that the scouts that regularly roamed the mountains were found dead, two of them," Jaxon reported. "They wandered too far from the territory, blocking their ability to mindlink. They were attacked two kilometers away from our eastern border."

"We think they were lured out. Aside from our scouts, we found a boy. A human child, dead," Jaxon described.

Kieran clenched his jaws. He mumbled, "human? Is it one of our own?"

Humans rarely lived in their nation. Many took refuge in Azenna, a country located north, above Taplean, and another nation, Paredon.

Werewolves pack often fight for power, and humans get caught in their kind's conflict. Being the weaker specie, many humans die in Taplean.

The humans that lived in Taplean were mated to werewolves or were protected by a particular pack. In Kieran's pack, there were a few, but they rarely left the pack's territory.

"No, alpha. We do not know the human," Jaxon reported.

Kieran shut his eyes. What was worse than killing a defenseless child? Much more a human? Only the rogues could have done it. On the run, rogues had practically sold their souls to the devil. They had no remorse. All they think about is earning money and addressing their selfish needs.

"Seth, what have we found out about the rogues?" He sought.

"I think it was just a random attack, Alpha," Seth answered.

"I doubt it was random. The rogues put too much effort into climbing the mountains for it to be random!" Kerian growled, disappointed at Seth's reply. "Did you not find out anything relevant?"

"I'm - I'm afraid not, Alpha," Seth admitted with his head down. "They were immediately on a rampage. The best solution was to execute them. We did not have time to interrogate anyone of them."

Seth quickly kneeled on one knee, saying, "I will accept any punishment, Alpha. I led the patrol, and the two rogues entered the territory under my watch. It was my fault that our luna and Rae were chased after the rogues -"

"Damn right, you were at fault!" Kieran snarled. "You could have sent someone to follow Rae and your luna! Alexia has yet to come of age! What if something had happened to her?"

"As for your sanction, you are not allowed to take any holidays this year. Build your strength and that of your warriors. Your unit needs to be strong enough to defend your assigned border! Recruit as necessary. Once you have recovered, ensure that your luna is trained!" Kieran ordered. "Teach her! Give her the tools to defend herself against a werewolf!"

"Yes, Alpha!" Seth replied. "Thank you for being considerate."

Kieran turned to Jaxon and instructed, "Connect with our contacts among the rogues. Find out if any of their group had initiated the attack."

"Yes, Alpha Kieran," Jaxon acknowledged.

"Locate the family of the deceased child," Kieran added. "Extend our condolences and provide help in any way we can. Give the same support to the families of the warriors that lost their lives today."

"Yes, Alpha Kieran," Jaxon replied.

"You are all dismissed!" Kieran instructed.

All of Kieran's gammas left. Jaxon stayed behind and studied him intently. With how his beta looked at him, he asked, "What?!"

"You care about her?" Jaxon suggested. "I've never seen you so worried. Earlier, you ran to her as if your life depended on it!"

"Admit it, Alpha. You like your luna, don't you?" Jaxon sought.

'Like Alexia?' Kieran wondered himself.

He sucked in a breath, and his eyes tightened while considering his beta's words. His nose flared, and then he replied, "I." He cleared his throat and added, "I simply feel sorry for her, Jaxon. Nothing more. Don't misinterpret my actions."

Jaxon raised a brow and asked, "But -"

"And why are you asking me questions when security matters still need to be addressed, Jaxon? Follow through on my orders now! Don't waste my time - putting words into my mouth - Leave!" Kieran demanded while glowering at his beta.

"Y - yes, Alpha," Jaxon acknowledged.


'Looks like I'm going to stay in the hospital for a day. The doctor wanted to check on the stitches tomorrow before letting me leave,' Rae mindlinked with Alexia. 'Are you going to be okay?'

'I don't know,' Alexia replied with a heavy sigh.


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