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The Alpha's Contract Luna (Alexia) novel Chapter 16


"You bitch!" Drake, Alexia's stepbrother, screamed as he sprawled on the ground.

Back at the Cross River Pack, Sheena flung Drake's body in front of his mother, sister, and Alpha Roland. They were standing at the packhouse's driveway, waiting for Roland to give his promised compensation.

With ten warriors from the Stone Blood Pack standing behind her, she confidently claimed, "Consider yourself lucky to be alive despite what you have done to our luna!"

"Enough!" Roland yelled. He threw the duffle bag in front of Sheena and said, "You have your money! Now leave!"

Sheena picked up the bag and had one warrior inspect the money. Then she replied, "Oh, we will. After we check, all two million dollars are accounted for."

It had been two days since they arrived at the Cross River Park's territory and exactly two days since they had taken Drake to one of the pack's abandoned houses. Drake had received a beating, repeatedly being warned about touching women against their wills.

They only brought him back after Alpha Roland sent one of his men, suggesting he was ready to pay up.

"If he ever lays a hand on an innocent woman again, I will not hesitate to come back and teach him a lesson!" Sheena warned, her eyes glowering at Alpha Roland and Drake's mother, Matilda. "Remember, Alpha Kieran will have eyes and ears within your pack. We will cut off Drake's hands the next time he assaults a woman!"

Matilda, Drake's mother, hurriedly soothed his son. She wept as she caressed his bruised face. Her eyes landed on the cut on his lip and his right brow. She screamed at Sheena, "You may have gotten away with this, but we will report you to the King!"

"He favors us because he asked Alexia to be married to Alpha Kieran! When the king receives our message, you and Alpha Kieran, including Alexia, will be punished!" Matilda asserted.

The warriors behind Sheena laughed. Sheena also could not help but mock the woman in front of her. Sheena responded, "Try. You think the king will favor a potential rapist?!"

Sheena turned to Alpha Roland and pointed out, "You think the king will favor a father who failed to protect his daughter? Instead, maltreated her?!"

A sneer formed on Sheena's face as she added, "You are not worthy of being an alpha! I pity this pack -"

"Tell my sister; she is pathetic to report to her husband!" Hazel, Alexia's stepsister, interrupted. She stood behind her mother and brother, raising her voice. "She thinks so highly of herself? Just because she married Alpha Kieran?!"

Hazel let out a sinister laugh. Then she revealed, "What good is it being married to a powerful man when her husband is ruthless and ugly? Alexia must require a blindfold every night, just to bear his face! Haha!"

"I bet Alpha Kieran does not even care for her at all. This is just a way to get money from us!" Hazel concluded. "You may have taken our money, but Alexia is still pitiful!"

Hearing Hazel, Sheena shook her head. She could also hear the warrior's disapproving whispers. Some were even laughing at Hazel's claims. Following a low growl, Sheena warned, "My alpha will hear of this. Don't worry. He will come to see you!"

Immediately, Sheena saw Hazel's face turn ghostly white.


"Alexia, I'm coming for you."

Meanwhile, at the Stone Block Pack, an image of a winter-grey wolf speaking, awoke Alexia. Immediately, she felt chills down her spine. She sat up and curled her legs against her chest, saying, "It's that same dream again. Was it real?"

She felt it was so real, like she said the wolf was speaking to her. All Alexia knew about the winter-grey wolves was the fact that they were a rare kind. Why was she suddenly having dreams about such a wolf?

Sighing, she muttered, "I best ask Rae about them."

When her eyes landed on the wall clock, she realized she needed to get up. Kieran was leaving at seven in the morning, and she wanted to cook breakfast.

Alexia was already in the kitchen at five in the morning, helping the cook and the maids.

When Kieran arrived at the dining table, Alexia was unsure if he still wanted to eat with her. After all, last night was an exception. He only wanted to have dinner together to remind her of her responsibilities in the packhouse.

Alexia served Kieran's plate and then took a step back, waiting and examining him.

Kieran looked amazingly handsome that morning. He wore a blue shirt that stretched nicely across his broad chest. The same hugged his body perfectly, taking the form of his muscular arms and flat stomach. His grey trouser also hugged his thick thighs and long legs.

Necklaces dangled around his neck. His oxford shoe and his expensive watch gave him a more elegant vibe.

Alexia observed how he sat silently, his eyes studying his plate. Then, he leaned back and said, "Eat with me. I have a few reminders."

Chapter 16 1

Chapter 16 2


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