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The Alpha's Contract Luna (Alexia) novel Chapter 17


"How does it feel? Being kissed by Alpha Kieran Stone," Rae teased, winking at her.

"Please. Stop this, Rae," Alexia warned. "You forget how I am only a contract wife."

"Pffft! All I can say is I have never seen Alpha Kieran kiss a girl before. I'm telling you, he treats you differently," Rae indicated.

At what Rae was suggesting, Alexia shook her head. She did not want to make assumptions about Kieran's actions. To her, he only kissed her in public to make it appear like they had a contented marriage.

Alexia and Rae were walking toward the packhouse's library. They were going to look up the history of the winter-grey wolves, especially since Alexia had been dreaming about one.

Making it in one section of the library, Rae said, "We rarely come across a winter-grey wolf, and that is because they had long hidden from us - common werewolves."

"Common werewolves?" Alexia asked, lifting her brow.

"Yes, because it is said that the winter-grey wolves are direct descendants of the Moon Goddess," Rae revealed. "But as I said, it has been so long since they have been seen amongst the territories of Taplean and other nearby nations."

Alexia noticed how Rae was frowning at the fifth row of a wide shelf. Rae said, "Here it is."

After getting an old wood-bounded book, they both settled at one table and scanned from page to page.

"Winter-grey wolves - Oh, here it is," Rae pointed to one page.

Alexia read the first part of the paragraph. "Winter-grey wolves are said to be direct descendants of the Moon Goddess. They had a white, greyish coat that gleaned in the night, especially during the full moon. The color of their fur granted them the name of the winter-grey wolves."

"They had the power of strength four times that of a normal werewolf. They can borrow from the Moon Goddess' powers as needed. They can also lend their strength to their kind," Alexia resumed.

"Adira Elsher was the first winter-grey wolf to walk amongst the common werewolves. She mated with a human, and their kind grew in number," Alexia continued. "As their kind grew in number, some winter-grey wolves also mated with common wolves. All of them had great strength."

"This record goes far beyond eighteen-hundreds," Rae suggested, pointing to some dates mentioned in the book.

The two continued to read about the abilities of a winter-grey wolf until they read the part about the great war. Over three hundred years ago, each pack fought for supremacy, and it wasn't just the werewolves; the witches and even the vampires were trying to secure territories of their own.

Alexia read, "Many humans died in the process, and since the winter-grey wolves had most of the human mates, they protected them with their lives."

Alexia felt for the humans after reading about the struggles during the first great war. They were caught in warfare that they had no chance to fight. Humans could use weapons, but even werewolves could use them too.

"The winter-grey wolves and the humans sought refuge at the biggest nation in the western continent, claiming it as their own. They vowed never to dwell in the lands where greed and corruption remain. Since then, the winter-grey wolves have been the protectors of humans, and every day, they accept only humans to seek sanctuary in their nation," Alexia read.

"Yes, I remember now why there are only very few humans who live in Taplean, even in Eswen," Rae said before skipping several pages.

Then, finding a map of the western continent, she pointed with her finger, "This is Taplean. This is Eswen. This is Vottara, where most of the witches and vampires lived. Paredon is the only nation with a mix of all species, but still, very few humans live there. The King of Paredon, also a werewolf, demolished packs to prevent any uprising from the werewolves."

Rae's finger traveled far higher on the map to the most noteworthy land of the western continent. She said, "And this - Yep. This is where the winter-grey wolves live, in Azenna, the refuge for humans."

"The winter-grey wolves ruled Azenna and were deemed to be protectors of humankind," Rae added.

"Now, we need to understand why... I am dreaming about one winter-grey wolf?" Alexia muttered.

Rae went through the last pages of the book. In the end, she said, "Well, I'm afraid there is no answer in the book." Raising a brow at Alexia, Rae asked, "Are you sure you haven't met a winter-grey wolf? What am I asking? Of course not! Azenna is too far from Taplean. One would have to go through Paredon to reach there."

"Yeah." Alexia frowned. "I'm pretty sure I would remember seeing a winter-grey wolf that gleams in the night. After all, no other common werewolf could have the same fur."

"What exactly happened in your dream?" Rae asked.

"Just the wintery-grey wolf was running toward me, and when she would stand in front of me, her face would zoom in. Then, she would say... I'm coming for you," Alexia revealed, feeling her skin crawl.

Silence engulfed them. It took almost a second before Rae suggested, "That's a little creepy."

"Anyway, maybe it's just nothing," Alexia dismissed it, but in her mind, she thought, 'I hope.'

Chapter 17 1

Chapter 17 2


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