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The Alpha's Contract Luna (Alexia) novel Chapter 34


“What do you mean, let’s get out of here? We just arrived,” Alexia complained.

“Let’s go back to our hotel, make love, and I’ll mark you - I’ll bite you so hard your scream will reach the moon,” Kieran suggested, and Alexia flushed profusely.

He turned and grabbed her hand. They were walking to the exit, leaving Seth and the warriors baffled. Unfortunately for Kieran, the king and queen arrived. King Balthasar’s eyes quickly landed on them as they met at the convention’s entrance.

“Kieran! Just the man I want to see,” King Balthasar said.

Alexia heard Kieran growl, and she wound up giggling in her head. She mindlinked, ‘We could do that later. The king is here.’

Everyone bowed before the king and queen. After this, Kieran and Alexia approached King Balthasar.

“Your Highness,” He greeted the king and queen. “It’s good to see you.”

“Good evening, my king, my queen,” Alexia greeted.

The queen looked at them and said, “As you may.” She walked away, leaving the king with them. Guards aided Queen Helen to the VIP table, where Alpha Blaze was already waiting for the royal couple.

Alexia did not miss the queen’s indifference. Still, since her marriage to Kieran, she had always been that way to her. The king might have noticed her frown that he said, “My wife and I had an argument earlier, Alexia. Please excuse your queen.”

He smiled at Kieran, saying, “I see love has blossomed between the two of you. I not only see it in your eyes, the way you look at each other, but.” He smiled again and added, “I can smell it!”

The king’s gaze returned to his queen. After seeing she was busy chatting with Alpha Blaze, the king smiled at Alexia and Kieran. He asked, “May I dance with your wife, Kieran?”

Alexia was stunned, and so was Kieran. It took a second for Kieran to reply, “Of course, my king. Please, take care of my wife.”

The king laughed. He shook his hand and said, “It’s only a dance, Kieran.”

Kieran nodded. He put his hand behind Alexia’s back and said, “I’ll be at our table and wait for you.” Before leaving her with the king, he pointed to which table they were assigned, and Alexia Acknowledged.

Heartbeats later, Alexia found herself in the middle of the dance floor, dancing with the king. King Balthasar only had a smile on his face. For fleeting moment, Alexia swore there was sadness in his eyes. Still, whatever woe he felt disappeared in just a second. The king said, “You remind me of someone.”

“Who, my king?” Alexia asked.

“Someone important to me,” the king said, looking regretful.

“Alexia, child. Sometimes, we make mistakes in our lives, but the regret of making those mistakes can really haunt you for life,” the king added. “Whatever happens, always be open to Kieran. Communication is the key to a successful relationship.”

Alexia probably had question marks all over her face that the king added, “Don’t mind me, child. Just look to the future. I promise you, I have chosen well for you. Kieran is a good man. Despite his overbearing qualities, I had always known he would treat you well.”

Alexia was confused. Why was the king talking about this without explaining things? Why did it feel like the king cared for her more than being his underling?

“Um. My king, what mistakes do you -” When she tried to delve into the king’s statements, he hushed her.

“Shhh. Remember, there is no questioning your king,” King Balthasar said.

That part of the rule was really frustrating to Alexia, but who was she to dispute it?

The king glanced at Kieran’s way, and he laughed. He said, “It doesn’t look like Kieran appreciates that his wife is with another man, even if it is his king.”

“I should return you,” he said. “Thank you for the dance, Alexia. I am now at ease. I know Kieran will take care of you.”

Alexia flushed. Could the king actually be a fortune teller?

After the dance with the king, Alexia returned to Kieran’s side, but it was only for a moment. Next, the king spoke to Kieran. Alexia was left at the table, together with Seth and Sheena.

More and more alphas and warriors had arrived at the ball, some finding their mates. In the last hour, Alexia had seen two couples running into each other’s arms, calling out the word; mate.

It made Alexia somewhat jealous, but then again, maybe her fate with not with her true mate. Or perhaps Kieran is her true mate. Only time will tell.

“Found your mate, yet Seth?” She started a conversation with Kieran’s gamma.

Chapter 34 1


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