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The Alpha's Contract Luna (Alexia) novel Chapter 50


The fire root plant often lived for two years upon its growth. They cultivate all year round and feed on the minerals in the crater of an active volcano. However, should Mount Nefarious erupt, that was another story.

Mount Nefarious was named as such due to its intermittent inferno. Its crater often burned at the center, whereas the fire root plants grew on the right side of the volcano's hallow.

The problem was the only feasible access to the volcano's top was its left wing, and getting across to the right wing meant climbing sideways above the burning flames.

Kieran and his men struggled through their climb as the volcano was very steep. Moreover, the soil's rocky surfaces were slippery; it was challenging to stay grounded even in their wolf form.

In his black wolf, Kieran led the group of warriors and the king's guards. He was jumping from one large rock to another when he caught a whiff of a familiar scent.

A growl left his lips, and he sucked in a deep breath. He turned to his colleagues and announced, "We have company."

One of his gammas, Ace, ran towards Kieran and smelled the surroundings. He confirmed the same, "Doesn't this smell like - "

"Prince Caspian is here," Kieran confirmed.

"If they are here, it means one thing," Ace said.

"They already found out that the king is missing. They probably suspect we are coming for the fire root plant," Kieran said. He ordered, "Seth, you, me, and Ace, let's race to the top! Prince Caspian is here, and who knows what he meant to do with the plants!"

If Caspian intended to destroy all the fire root plants, that meant they would wait for another natural germination, which could take years. The king didn't have that long.

The king's guards were also alerted, and they all sprinted to the top, hoping they could catch up with Caspian's party.

Soon, the earth on the volcano rumbled. With the speed they were going, rocks unavoidably rolled down, some slipping yet fearfully climbing back up.

Above them, they could hear howls; soldiers of Caspian were scrambling to reach the top. It did not take long for Kieran's group to find Caspian. They were also in their wolf form, racing to the crater.

"Hurry! We need to destroy all the fire root plans!" Caspian ordered. He has led his group of men, running in his red-brown wolf.

A loud growl escaped Kieran's lips as he picked up the pace. He leaped in between rocks and dug his claws into the slippery earth, making sure not to fall down. The king's life depended on him.

Kieran managed to reach a soldier and efficiently bit the wolf in the leg, thrusting him to the ground. It sent the soldier rolling down. He glowered in Caspian's direction, asking, "Why are you doing this? To your father? Why, Prince Caspian? Your father treated you well!"

"I don't have to answer you, Kieran! My father betrayed my mother!" Caspian quickly said before running to the crater again.

"Is that why you poisoned the king? Merely because of possible disloyalty when it has not yet been proven? There is something that you are not telling me, and I meant to find out what!" Kieran snarled, his nose flaring in anger as he lunged at another soldier trying to block his way.

Unfortunately for Kieran, Caspian ignored him and continued his ascent to the top. He was busy biting off the soldier's arm when he saw from the corner of his eye how the prince was closer to the volcano's opening. He yelled, "Ace! Seth! Hurry!"

Another soldier came at him, but before the same wolf could reach Kieran, Seth's wolf flew in mid-air, biting the opponent with his enormous jaws.

From that point on, the werewolves from both groups fought against each other. Kieran could hear the howls and the shrieks of pain behind him. He saw how his group was outnumbered, but he had faith in Seth and Ace. They would fight bravely and strongly for their lives. As for the king's guards, Kieran knew they were the best warriors trained by Beta Ford. He hoped they could sustain the fight, but Kieran still had to catch up with Prince Caspian.

When Kieran reached the crater, he saw how the bottom of the volcano was on fire. It was just like he feared. From afar, Prince Caspian navigated through the side. He changed into his human form, holding on to rocks as his feet cautiously stepped on slippery minerals.

Kieran also shifted back to his human form, realizing his size wouldn't help. He needed his hands to grip the rocks and minerals forming on the side of the volcano's hallow.

Chapter 50 1


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