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The Alpha's Contract Luna (Alexia) novel Chapter 54

~ King Balthasar ~


"Is this the last of the relief goods?" Balthasar asked his aide, Ford.

"Yes, Prince Bathasar," Ford replied. "We can now rest easy."

Taplean had been hit by a storm. Everyone was affected, every region and every pack. However, those far from the capital had no access to relief, food, or water. Thus, Balthasar's father ordered him to distribute relief instead.

He had been traveling for days with his loyal guards and aides. Upon arriving at the Rock Mountain Pack, Prince Balthasar was utterly exhausted.

Balthasar went to his accommodation, but sleep did not come. The hotel they were staying at did not have electricity due to the storm. Thus, instead of resting, he took a run in his wolf form.

He ran through the forest, certainly going outside the borders of the Rock Mountain Pack. He dashed deeper into the woods until he found an area with unscathed green grass. Boulders of rocks, deeply rooted to the ground, shielded it from the storm, and he figured it was how the place remained peaceful looking. Only fallen leaves from the trees had drifted into the same spot.

In that same area, the wind was cool, and the perfect place to rest. He shifted into his human body and thought about the near future while looking at the skies. In a month, he would be crowned as the king. His father wanted to rest - to travel around the world with his mother after ruling Taplean for over fifty years.

His eyes landed on the moon, thinking about his arranged marriage. It was common for royalty to have an arranged marriage. His father never got to choose, which would forever be true for royalties like him. However, his father and mother were happy. That was why they decided to travel worldwide, for they wanted to experience being more of a couple. Being the leaders of Taplean prevented them from enjoying their marriage.

Soon, he felt his eyes becoming heavy, and he dozed off, lying completely naked against the grass.

Two hours into his sleep, Balthasar sniffed on something sweet - so inviting. The smell was so stirring that his eyes partly opened. He then heard heavy steps against the ground, and when he snapped toward the sound, he saw something sparkling in silvery white. He flinched and rubbed his eyes but saw a woman's figure next.

Balthasar stood up abruptly. His eyes met a pair of honey-colored orbs staring right back at him. He stilled, watching the future unfold in the woman's eyes, and that sweet scent of nature, mixed with the smell of snow, entered his nostrils. He was immediately in a daze, then the word simply came out of his mouth, "Mate."

"Mate," he heard the beautiful woman say the same.

Warmth spread through Balthasar's chest, and he beamed. Those honey-colored eyes held him captive, and his mouth remained open for almost a minute.

"What - what is your name, beautiful mate?" Balthasar asked.

He could tell the woman was also taken aback. Then, when he asked for her name, he saw how her cheeks turned a shade darker. He was pleased with how he affected her.

"My name?" She asked, as if reluctant to share her identity.

"I'm your mate, the Moon Goddess' chosen for you," Balthasar reminded. "You can trust me."

Soon, he saw the woman smile. She replied, "Avery. My name is Avery Lane. What about you? What is your name?"

'She doesn't know me?' It puzzled Balthasar how the woman did not know him, but perhaps, due to the territory she lived in, she had no news about the royal family of Taplean.

"Balthasar," he replied. "Balthasar Squire."

Then, he realized that she was naked, like him. He was so fixed on her gorgeous face that he cared not for anything else. "You were out on a run?"

Avery nodded, saying, "I guess you were too."

"Yes, I was. It was so hot in the Rock Mountain Pack since there was no electricity, so I came out here to look for a cool place to rest," Balthasar explained.

It dawned on Balthasar that he had not seen Avery in the Rock Mountain Pack's territory, but then again, he had not met the entire pack. Still, he asked, "Do you belong to the Rock Mountain Pack?"

"Um. No. I was simply going around - I have no pack here in Taplean. I jump around from one pack to another whenever I feel like it," Avery shrugged and replied, "As a visitor."

Balthasar frowned. He asked, "I see. You don't have parents?"

He saw Avery hesitate. She looked back and then messaged her forehead before finally saying, "I - I have a mother, but she is no one to be concerned about. What about you? Where is your family? Which pack do you belong to?"

Balthasar suddenly had an awakening. For a moment, he forgot how he was royalty. 'Fuck, what am I going to do? Avery said, she had no pack. My father will never accept her as my queen?'

He needed time to think things through and plan how to make it work. Thus, he lied and said, "I am visiting a friend at the Rock Mountain Pack, but I belong to a pack in the east, The Blue Moon Pack."

Chapter 54 1

Chapter 54 2


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