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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 

Earlier, Tyler had spent the entire day busy with work, so as soon as he finished, he hurried over to 

the Harris residence

Maisy said, Go ahead. It’s late, you should rest.” 

He politely greeted the elderly family members but didn’t spare a glance for Ana before making his way upstairs. He headed to the guest room, while Olivia was brought to his bedroom

The assembled family members refrained from commenting on the situation, recognizing the ongoing discord between Tyler and Ana. Tyler had a habit of being rude with Ana, even at family gatherings like this

Ana remained composed and placid in the face of the situation, responding with a smile, It’s alright. He was busy with work. Let him rest.” 

With this, the dinner atmosphere resumed its liveliness

However, Ana couldn’t shake off her concerns. After the dinner concluded, she decided to discreetly check Tyler’s bedroom

She couldn’t believe he would genuinely leave Olivia alone tonight. After all, she made her drink a lot

Inside the room, Olivia’s condition deteriorated. She grew increasingly agitated, resisting the maidsattempts to change her clothes

The maids were at a loss as to what to do. They tried every way to change her clothes. Listen to us, you can only sleep after you change.” 

No, I don’t want that. Go away.Her flushed cheeks betrayed the effects of her inebriation

The maids felt helpless. Despite their efforts, Olivia refused to cooperate. One of them suggested, ‘ 

Let’s try to sober her up with some soup.” 

The other maid brought over a bowl of soup, but before they could feed her, Olivia suddenly slapped it 


Tyler, who had heard the commotion in his bedroom, emerged from the room with a stern expression. Ana, observing from upstairs, wore a knowing smile

When he entered the room, he found the maids struggling with Olivia. As they were about to explain the situation, Tyler interrupted, Get out.” 

The maids hesitated but eventually complied, placing the bowl down and leaving the room

Approaching Olivia, who was tossing and turning in bed, he extended his hand, but before he could touch her, she murmured in her drunken haze, Jacob.” 


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