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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins (Sean and Claire) novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Surprised? I Know Martial Arts

Sean filled the wooden tub with icy cold water before getting in. With his legs curled up, he submerged his entire body, including his head, into the water.

There was not enough to submerge every inch of himself in the water, and the chill did not chase away the heat at all. Instead, the heat kept building in him.

With a loud splash, he emerged from the water and went downstairs, dressed only in a towel and a pair of slippers.

He had not needed that much sleep since he was in his thirties.

In the living room downstairs, Jason was happily laughing at the show playing on his tablet.

When he suddenly heard footsteps echoing in the hallway, he curiously looked up to find Sean angrily stomping down the stairs while covered only by a single towel.

The frustrated expression on Sean’s face shocked him. “Mr. Sean, you

Sean shot him a deathly glare that immediately made him shut up.

Oh, dear.

That glare was so scary. It felt like Sean was going to kill him.

Too scared to utter a single sound, Jason curled up in a ball and looked away from Sean.


After a series of bangs and crashes, he sensed Sean walking toward him. He

carefully raised his head and silently looked up to see Sean holding a metal bucket filled with ice cubes.

Ice … cubes?

His eyes widened, and he promptly ran away with his tablet.

Oh, no! He had doomed Sean!

Claire slept soundly that night.

When she woke up in the morning, she touched her forehead to find that her fever had subsided and her cold was cured.

Peeling back the blanket, she found Sean huddled up in the lounge: She frowned and walked toward him.


When he did not respond to her call, she gently nudged him. “Sir? Are you okay?”

He merely scowled. It was then that she realized his face was unnaturally flushed with a fever.

She placed her hand on his forehead, but quickly withdrew it when she felt the scorching heat of his skin. “It feels so hot!”

Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he grabbed her arms. In one quick move,



he pinned her to the lounge.

Something raged inside his eyes. His lips felt so very dry. Still, he did his best to hold the feelings back. As he gazed deep into her clear eyes, he hoarsely asked, “In what way am I hot?”

The position they were in felt so very wrong and sensual.

She blushed and did her best to push him away, but his arms were clamped so hard down on her shoulders that she could not do so.

She angrily glared at him and said, “I meant you have a fever.”

Sean was not burning up with a fever. It was all because of the soup from last night that tormented him all night long. The heat never left him, no matter how long he submerged himself in ice.

With his prey within his reach, his eyes grew deeper and darker. He was like a dangerous leopard staring at its prey.

Her lips were as delicate and pink as cherry blossoms while her rosy cheeks looked like a delicious cherry cake. As his throat rolled sensually, he suddenly leaned down.

There was a loud bang as she slapped him on the back of his head just as his face was inches away from hers.

His vision turned black, and he collapsed on top of her.

“You’re heavy!”

She kicked him off of her and sat up while rubbing her wrists.


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