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The Bride’s Revenge (Marion Cartier And Jameson Royce) novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108 Quite a Serious Issue 

The sunlight lingered behind Lucas as he walked in. It cast his face into a shadow as he entered the 

slightly dim interior of the room

Good afternoon, Mr. Craig.” 

The entrance hall of the villa had clear glass ceilings, and as Lucas walked in, sunlight illuminated his 


Although his expression remained cool, the harshness seemed to fade. However, as he moved further into the house and approached Marion, the dimmer light made him appear cold again

Marion saw a blur of movement before a stack of documents appeared in front of her. Compiled by 

Daniel Price. It includes my interests and some taboos I stay clear of

Marion hesitated for a moment, recalling their conversation at lunch. She quickly reached out and 

took the stack. Oh, thank you, Mr. Craig, and thank you, Daniel.” 

Hmm.He nodded, as he scrutinized her for a moment before asking, Can you swim?” 

Marion nodded, Yes, I can. I even participated in the provincial team selection during junior high” 

Realizing that she might have shared too much, Marion stopped herself

She touched her slightly flushed earlobe and looked at Lucas shyly. Is something wrong, Mr. Craig?” 

Nothing. There’s a swimming pool outside, near the dining room. If you want to swim, you don’t have to go elsewhere.” 

Having moved in just two days ago, Marion had not explored the vast castlelike mansion 

thoroughly. Without Lucas mentioning it, she would not have known that there was a swimming pool 

on the premises

Alright, I got it. Thank you, Mr. Craig.” 

Hmm.He nodded, I’m going swimming. If you need anything, you can find me there.” 


What business could she have with him anyway

Soon, Marion found herself contradicting her own thoughts. She did have something to discuss with 


In the information brief Daniel provided, Lucas’s preferences, what he liked to eat and what he did not, were clearly listed. The first three pages contained Lucas’s impressive achievements and experiences, making Marion’s own history seem quite ordinary

As a diligent wife keeping up the appearances of their marriage, Marion decided to read through those three pages thoroughly. She even planned to jot down some of Lucas’s awards later to avoid any 

Chapter 108 Quite a Serious Issue 

shortcomings in social situations

After that, she turned to the fourth page, which detailed Lucas’s dietary preferences. He disliked sweet, sour, spicy, and bitter flavors, favoring a bland palate instead


Well, if he doesn’t like sweet or sour, does that mean he doesn’t eat fruits? Aren’t fruits either sweet or slightly sour?Marion muttered to herself, realizing the potential challenge of catering to Lucas’s 


Oh, avocados are an exception to this.” 

Could it be that Lucas liked avocados? Although she enjoyed them too, avocados were perfect for salads, sushi, and juices, but eating them on their own was a bit much for her


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