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The Charming Ex-Wife (Lysander and Josiah) novel Chapter 55

Chapter 55 A Dirty Heart Sees Others As Dirty 

Inside the internet-famous restaurant, it was still packed. 

A dozen or so waiters weren’t enough, hustling around with plates flying everywhere. 

Daphne pulled Lysander to a vacant seat and immediately spat. “What rotten luck. I just wanted to enjoy a meal out and still end up encountering garbage.” 

Adrian slowly seated himself opposite two girls and asked, “Daphne, do you know Jane?” 

Daphne paused. “Jane? Who is that?” 

“The pregnant woman we just saw outside.” 

Daphne suddenly realized, then sneered mockingly, Jane? Well, at least she’s self-aware enough to give herself such a fitting name.” 

Adrian turned the menu towards them and handed it to the two girls. “You can order.” 

Daphne took it. “Let me handle it. I’ve checked the reviews online; I know all their signature dishes. We definitely won’t go wrong. 

Adrian asked, “What about you, Lysander?” 

Lysander smiled faintly. “I’m fine with anything.” 

“Any dietary restrictions?” 

“None. I’m good with whatever.” 

Lysander pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, restrained a smile, and nodded slightly. “You’re easy to please. Nowadays, they say it’s hard to please girls. Inviting a girl to dinner makes one anxious; if you order a dish she doesn’t like, you’re instantly labeled as not a good person.” 

Lysander asked, “Have you experienced this before?” 

“Not really. I just heard it from friends.” 

Lysander pondered for a moment before replying, “Actually, I think what you order and eat doesn’t have a direct relationship with being together. Girls care more about whether the guy has them in mind and pays attention to their food preferences and lifestyle habits. Ultimately, they don’t want extravagant meals; they just want an attitude.” 

Adrian seemed to have an epiphany, nodding slightly “Learned something.” 

“Heh, that’s your perspective; some people don’t think so.” Daphne gestured towards the door entrance. “Some people are convinced that you can’t let go of the lavish lifestyle and are desperately clinging to Josiah. She thinks everyone is like her?” 

Lysander’s tone remained indifferent. “A dirty heart sees others as dirty.” 


Chapter 55 A Dirty Heart Sees Others As Dirty 

“Exactly.” Daphne slammed the menu shut. She added, “This restaurant has been so popular lately; why can’t we come just because she’s here? It’s just a coincidence. She thinks everyone is obsessed with Josiah like she is?” 

Lysander asked, “Have you decided on your order?” 

“I have. I’ve ordered via scanning the QR code on my phone.” Daphne suddenly asked, “Hey, Adrian, do you know that Lysanne?” 

Adrian raised an eyebrow and glanced at Lysander. “Huh?” 

“Oh, no. I wasn’t talking about Lysander. I meant the pregnant woman just now who’s also named Lysanne.” 

Adrian hesitated for a moment. “What a coincidence? 

“Not really. It’s just a game of substitutes.” 

Lysander gently kicked her under the table. 

Daphne understood and immediately changed the subject. “So, uh, do you know her Stounian name 

but not her real name?” 


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