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The Dark Side Of Fate by Karima Sa'ad Usman novel Chapter 98


The cards got to me. It was alright when the threat was from a distance, but they hit home this time.

Threatening my mate was extreme, making me impatient to catch the people.

I was desperate, and Tamia could tell, seeing that I was willing to talk to Devin Corrigan about it.

My reasons were simple. Whoever was responsible for this would likely use my enemies to get me.

Devin was a known enemy of mine. With all that had transpired between us, I knew he would have no issues moving against me.

I needed to keep him close so he could be one less person to bother about.

I was a bit ashamed that Tamia had to take up some responsibilities when she needed to rest, but I could no longer hide the fact that I was confused.

I did not know where to start. There were so many clues that led to nothing.

It was almost as if everyone was reacting to something hence why it was a dead end.

It was too much for me to deal with.

As lord of the north, my duty was to ensure peace and prosperity in every region and that no laws were broken. My existence curbed greed and madness, and now I was dealing with more than my duty.

Scrapping my position was dangerous for our world as it would lead to chaos.

Wolves needed someone they could follow, or they would lead chaotic lives. Was this person or people so hungry for power that they were willing to destroy order just to get what they wanted?

Tamia knew exactly what I wanted. Being with her now made me understand the relevance of being fated. Her scent calmed me down more so than before. She knew how to help my mood; burying my nose on her neck helped me relax.

When I saw Leo and Devin, I almost regretted asking that Jake have them escort him, but it was now or never.

I had to swallow my pride and ask for their help.

Seeing how Devin looked at my mate got to me. I doubt it was just the mate bond that pulled him to her.

There was nothing but longing in his eyes, and just like Leo, he too, regretted losing his opportunity.

Did it ever occur to them that fate wanted it this way? However dark and twisted it may seem, Tamia and I ended up being fated after passing through others.

In a world where it was impossible to meet a fated, I believe we were blessed to be given second chances.

I did not know how the thing worked, and I did not care; all I knew was that she was now mine. Hopefully, we wouldn't have to address the elephant, and we would only be facing the matter at hand.

Marcel and Theodore branched to deal with the card issue leaving Devin, Leo and me. We walked to my private booth, where I held meetings.

I sat down before Devin and Leo sat.

Leo was relaxed, but Devin was uncomfortable. We had never met in person before, and even though he told people he had defeated me in battle, we both knew it was a lie. But his secret was safe with me. I wasn't the type to ruin a man's reputation.

"Leo," I said, and Leo smiled at me.

"I see you and Tamia are yet to smooth things out," I said, and he could not say a word. Then I looked at Devin.

"We were hoping you would play a sport," I said to lighten the mood, and he smiled, but his smile did not touch his eyes.

"It was a last-minute thing," he confessed, and I did not need to guess why he came.

"As you all know, we are the least unlikely people to speak," I started, and they were attentive.

I did not want to beat around the bush because the awkwardness was getting too much, and the earlier we left the Arena and set out for the Estate, the better.

"We have one person in common that we all care about, and that person's life is in danger," I said, and Devin was attentive, likewise Leo.

"Today, Tamia received a series of cards threatening her," I said, and Devin growled at me.

"You have made your bad luck rub on her. She is too sweet for anyone to hate her. This is because of her association with you," Devin accused me, and his words got to me, but I kept it to myself.

"Well, I couldn't help it. She is my mate now, so I have to do what is best for her and love her the best way I can," I said, and Devin banged the table.

I did not let it affect me. I looked at him, and his eyes were misty.

"She rejected me because of you. She was my fated, and she let me go because of you. How much sacrifice can you make? You took her from Leo and made it impossible for her to love her fated. Are you happy now? You selfish prick. You had all the women at your beck and call, but you had to take my fated from me!" he said, and I was calm, knowing I needed his help. I let him vent.

"He let go of his fated for her, too, Devin, so let it go. I told you they loved each other from the onset, and she would reject you, so do not try to pin this on Lord Volkov. You had your chance, and you blew it just like me, Devin, so let it go." Leo said, sounding a bit short, and I knew Devin's words got to him.

Devin was surprised by it and looked at me in disbelief.

"You rejected your fated?" he asked, and I looked at him.

"You brought her to the north," I told him, and he was confused.

"Susan Sullivan. Nicolas Sullivan's niece, the captain of your polo teams," I told him, and his eyes widened.

"If I didn't know better, I would have suspected you brought my ex to disrupt my life with Tamia. But seeing that you weren't at the ball to gloat, I realised it was a coincidence, but I must thank you because you helped me get that out of the way." I said, and he still looked angry.


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