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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 194

I won’t last long anyway, so there’s no need for a honeymoon! He’ll be going on a honeymoon with my sister in the future, anyway.”

“You don’t understand a thing at all!” Zeke had a sly look as he raised his eyebrows to look at his brooding friend on the office chair. “So. Are you going. Jeremy?”

Jeremy flipped to another page of the document and said while reading it, “She’s tired today, so we won’t be going over today. I’ll bring her along and meet up with you guys early tomorrow. morning

Zeke snapped his fingers and said, “It’s settled, then!”

He then gracefully placed his hands into his pockets and turned to leave.

When he saw Sunny standing still, Zeke paused and raised his hand to pat the young man on the shoulder. “What are you still doing here. Sunny? Come with me to the ranch!”

Sunny was eager to follow him, but he had a bit of a frustrated expression and hesitated for a moment before asking. “Can you call my brother and talk about it? I’m worried he won’t let me go.

Zeke chuckled and teased. “How old are you? Why are you still so afraid of your brother?”

Sunny had a helpless expression. “You know my brother! He’s inhumane and much stricter than. my father..

“Fine I’ll call Lucas later and help intercede for you!”

“Thanks! Brother Zeke, if you can convince my brother to let me go horseback riding, I’ll treat you to a whole roasted lamb when I get to the ranch!”

Later that evening in the Holdens’ estate, Corinne woke up hungry after sleeping all afternoon, so she went to the kitchen to cook herself some instant mac and cheese

There are quite a few servants in the household, but Bowen was the only one who was slightly. more respectful to Corinne By contrast, most of the others sided with Francine and were thus hostile to her. Everyone generally ignored the presence of the young lady whom Jeremy married. in a hurry, especially since Jeremy rarely came back to spend the night after getting married to her.

Therefore, none of the servants in the family took Corinne seriously when Pamela left, and no one would take the trouble of making dinner for her if Jeremy did not return.


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