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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 47

Annie felt bad and sympathized with Rosie. “What? Don’t panic. We’ll find that watch together!”

Corinne squinted upon realizing where the situation could be headed to.

Sunny also joined the search. All of a sudden, he remembered something and glared at Corinne suspiciously. He questioned, “Hey, weren’t you the one holding Rosie’s jacket when both of you. went to the washroom?”

Corinne nodded. “Yes, I did. What’s wrong?”

Sunny looked at her disdainfully. “Then give Rosie back her watch now!”

There was not even a change in Corinne’s expression. “I didn’t take it. How am I going to give it

back to her?”

Sunny grabbed her arms and treated her like a thief, preventing her from running away. “You were the only one who held Rosie’s jacket. If you didn’t take it, who did?”

Corinne remained calm. “She asked me to help her hold on to it when we were in the washroom. I only agreed to help her due to that.”

Sunny snorted sarcastically. “Then you took the chance and stole the watch from one of the pockets!”

With a calm face, she insisted, “I didn’t.”

Obviously, Sunny did not believe her and started to act aggressively. “Your words mean nothing. Let us search your body and belongings if you didn’t steal the watch!”

Annie, displeased by this, ran over to push Sunny away. “You’re crazy! Why did Corinne need to steal the watch? It’s just a watch. Uncle Jeremy will buy it for her if she really likes it!”

Sunny snorted disdainfully. “Then she should agree with the search to prove her innocence!”

“No! Who gives you the right to do a search on her? It’s pure humiliation standing in front of Corinne and was determined to stop Sunny.

Corinne was the one who risked her life to save her yesterday in Twilight. It was her turn to protect Corinne today!


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