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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Retribution 

Margaret continued, I know how bad things could get once you get a case against you. Something like that will haunt Wynter forever

She’s still young, and she’s just ea

like this.” 

medical studies. I can’t have her prospects go down the drain 

It was because Wanda knew this that she could unabashedly blackmail Margaret

She was confident that Margaret would sign over the livestreaming channel to her, especially if it 

concerned Wynter’s future

Where do I sign?Margaret asked

Wanda beamed as she guided Margaret to the relevant sections. Over her 

finished signing, stamp your thumbprint here.” 

and here. Once you’ve 

And how can you be sure that Wynter will get out of this unscathed?Margaret was 

Will using the Yatesname be enough

What power do the Yates family have in Southdale when they’re in Kingbourne?” 

Hearing this, Wanda silently cursed Margaret’s sharpness

cautious about this

Well, naturally, there’s more work to be done than simply dropping the Yatesname,she drawled arrogantly. I know someone who works in the precinct. Captain Weissman is a friend of mine.” 

As she said this, she pulled up Adam’s contact to show Margaret. I’ll call him and have him release 

Wynter after you sign the agreement.” 

As long as Wanda could get her hands on the channel, everything else could be negotiated

That said, Wanda wasn’t known for her generosity or compassion. She knew it wouldn’t make a difference 

to Wynter’s prospects even if Wynter were to be released from interrogation

Without the livestreaming channel, Wynter would go back to being a poor nobody

Just as Wanda was reveling in her deviousness, Margaret went quiet at

ention of Captain Weissman

If things truly were as serious as Wanda made them out to be, Margaret doubted a mere police captain 

had the power to settle them

Margaret recalled what Wynter said to her before the latter was taken away for questioning

If anyone comes up to you and blackmails you, ignore them,Wynter had said.. 

At the thought of this, Margaret set the pen down and pretended to be in a dilemma. I’ll need some time to consider” 

Consider?Wanda was incredulous. “Mom, need I remind you that there’ll be no retracting Wynter’s case after 24 hours?” 


Margaret’s fingers interlaced. I can’t sign the agreement now.” 

Wanda knew that she was better off not pushing Margaret’s limits. It’s 5:00 pm now. You have three 

hours to consider

If you don’t sign the agreement by 8:00 pm, then you’ll hear from the police that they’ll proceed with the charges against Wynter.” 

With that, Wanda left the house

She knew Margaret had to be smart enough to figure things out by now

Wanda would have the final say on whether or not Wynter’s charges would be dropped

She was confident about this. However, she never anticipated the new City Bureau Secretary would be arrested alongside Wynter

Meanwhile, inside the interrogation room, Adam kept his explanation as vague as possible

He couldn’t tell the truth since it was unfavorable to him. As such, he tried to lie his way out of it and 

never mentioned Wanda’s name

Unfortunately for him, Wynter was also in the interrogation room


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