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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 8

CHAPTER 08: The War Has Begin

"FASTER, DAMN IT!" Mason hissed at Lilian when she slowed down from walking. He's now preparing his black horse before he grabbed her wrist and put a rope around it. He tightened the rope, securing her both wrists won't move freely. Lilian looked at him with confusion as her heart hammered against her chest in so much fear.

"W-What are you doing?" Lilian asked with her trembling tone when Mason suddenly rode the black horse. The rope that's tightened on her wrists is attached on the horse's head, slightly pulling her hand as it moves. She gulped as her gaze went to the wide field in front of them. The sunlight is hurting her skin since she's still wearing her undergarments. She felt the heat on her cheek when she realized that she's too exposed in front of the wolves.

There are some wolves walking around and busy with their own work. Some of them stared at her and Mason but didn't say a word and just acted like nothing was happening, afraid that Mason will get angry if ever they meddle on what he's doing.

"You disgusting Omega! How dare you mess up with the Luna?!" Mason shouted as he glanced at the wolves on the field before pointing at Lilian. "Everyone, listen to me! This woman right here is a thief! Our Luna Gianna was the one who caught her!"

A series of gasp escape from the mouth of the wolves who heard what Mason said. Their eyes are widening as if they are too shocked by the news that he suddenly blurted out. Lilian wanted to defend herself and tell them the truth like the way she told Luna that she was wrong in her accusation but no words came out from her mouth, like she was too tired of explaining herself since she already knew that they wouldn't believe her in the first place.

An Omega like her has no rights to say what she or he wants that easily. No one will even bother to listen to her.

"What?! She's a thief!?"

"Oh, goodness! She should be punished!"

"How dare she?!"

The wolves started to murmur something that Lilian could barely understand. Her eyes are getting blurry because of her own tears as her head is spinning so bad. Lilian was just looking down, staring at her own feet while hearing the murmurs of the wolves, sobbing quietly and making sure that they wouldn't see her tears streaming down her face.

"Don't worry, ya'll! This woman will be punished to not make the same mistake again. We will make sure that she won't have another victim again," Mason said sharply before looking at the horse he's riding and suddenly whip its back making it neigh and start to run.

Fear embraced Lilian's system when she realized that she would be pulled as the horse ran fast! Lilian had no other choice but to also run but then the horse ran so fast that she couldn't keep up with its pace anymore. Mason kept on whipping the horse back, making it run faster so she had no choice but to also fasten her pace.

No one bothered to help her. The wolves are just watching her being pulled harshly by the horse that Mason is riding. Lilian is getting tired as her throat went dry because of the hotness of the sunlight.

Until Lilian couldn't keep up anymore. She dropped on the ground while she's being pulled by the horse, trying to escape from the rope around her wrists but it was so tight that she couldn't even remove it. Her body was brushed harshly on the ground because of the sharp rocks and humps. It hurts her to the core that she couldn't help but to scream in so much pain. Not to mention that the healing of the wounds are also slow, making everything worse.

"S-Stop! Please, stop!" Lilian shouted as her body started to bleed because of the sharp rocks.

But Mason didn't stop. He keeps on making the horse run while Lilian is being pulled harshly. She couldn't even turn into her wolf form since she couldn't concentrate and focus anymore. She was too consumed by her own fear and the physical pain on her body. The ground was so rough that she was stabbed by the sharp twigs of a tree, making her wince in pain.

"Ah!" Lilian shouted when she felt the twigs ripped on her skin. She's bleeding and the pain won't just go away because her healing is so slow since she's an Omega.

Lilian's eyes are closing already as her head spin. Her throat is getting dry because of the heat and so much shouting, pleading that Mason will hear her and stop what he's doing to her. But he didn't listen. He never listens to her pleas and beggings. There's a smug smirk on his lips as he rode the horse, whipping its back to make it run fast.

When Lilian thought that everything was finished already, a tall man suddenly came to Mason, making the horse stop from pulling her harshly. The tall man was blurry in front of Lilian's eyes but she was able to hear what he said to Mason.

"This is another order from Luna. She said that you should kill Omega, she's a threat to her relationship with Alpha Karius," the tall man said, making Lilian's lips slightly hung open.

What did he say? There's another order from Luna and that was to kill her? She gasped.

Even though she already accepted the fact that she's living without a purpose already, she couldn't help but to feel sad about the reason for her death. This is absurd, Lilian thought. After what she heard, she had already concluded that Luna Gianna knew about her secret relationship with Alpha Karius before! What the tall man just said is enough evidence that she knew everything about them.

"Don't worry. Even though our Luna wouldn't say anything about that, I would still kill her," Mason said coldly before glancing at Lilian who looked weak and helpless. He smirked at the sight of her breathing heavily with bruises on her body. "After all, an Omega like her is too useless to be included in the pack. I won't go easy on her," he added.

At that moment, Lilian smiled bitterly. She suddenly liked the idea of disappearing in this world to be with her child instantly. After all, she's been missing him ever since the day that he was taken away from her.


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