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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 11

The Return of God of War Chapter 11

In actual fact, Zoey had been awake for a long time now, but she didn’t make a sound.

She looked at Levi wonderingly.

He was right.

The Lopez family really wants me back.

But why?

Zoey’s heart leaped into her throat when she heard Levi requesting Harry to come pick her up in person.

Harry had always been high and mighty. Never in a million years would he accept Levi’s proposal. Levi was just provoking him by having him personally invite her back.

“Fine. Forget it if Harry refuses to come! Bye!”

Levi hung up.

“Are you crazy?” Zoey nudged him. “How could you ask Grandpa to come and get me? I say we go back on our own and forget about everything. There seems to be something very serious going on based on their tone.”

“Don’t. Just wait. Three, two, one…”

Sure enough, Zoey’s phone rang as soon as Levi finished counting down.

“Dad has agreed to go pick you guys up,” Henry’s helpless voice sounded. “Now give me your address!”

“University City’s Borrman Hotel!”

“And your room number?”

“You don’t need to know that. We’ll go down on our own when Harry arrives,” Levi said.

This was to prevent Harry from not coming.

“Huh? Is Grandpa really coming?”

Having been living in Harry’s shadows since she was a child, Zoey was frightened down to the soles of her shoes.

“What are you nervous for? He’s here to invite you back,” Levi said with a smile on his face.

Zoey was so terrified that she had forgotten Levi’s predictions from before—Harry will invite you back in person.

About half an hour later, a Mercedes Benz came to a halt in front of the hotel with Harry appearing in their line of sight.

“Come on. Let’s go down.”

Zoey was still trembling as she grabbed Levi’s arm, not letting go.

When Harry saw Zoey, he subconsciously yelled, “Zoey, you… Oh, get in the car! Grandpa has something important to discuss with you!”

Zoey was dumbfounded to see the pleasant smile on Harry’s face.

When did Grandpa ever smile at me?

In the car, Harry started, “I’ll get down to business, okay, Zoey? Haven’t you been working on West City Ecological Park development project before this? Well, now’s your chance. Mr. Jennings from the Ministry of Construction asked for you to submit the proposal and elaborate the plans to them.”

“You must do your best! I believe you can do this!”

And so, a few minutes before eight, a confused Zoey and Levi arrived at the office building responsible for this project.

“Ms. Lopez, you’re here,” Orlando greeted, shooting up to his feet and went up to welcome them. “Would Ms. Lopez and this gentleman like tea or coffee?”

“Tea for me and coffee for her,” Levi said curtly as he sat down graciously.

Zoey, however, was completely dumbstruck.

He’s Mr. Jennings! The person in charge of management for the Ministry of Construction!

Even Joseph Garrison has to bow down to him when he sees him.

Why is he so courteous to me?

“Did you hear that? Now go and make the arrangements,” Orlando said to his secretary.

“Ms. Lopez, please, have a seat,” Orlando said respectfully to Zoey.

“Come on. Sit,” Levi said, seeing that she was transfixed, he pulled Zoey to sit beside him.

Soon, the coffee and tea were served.

Zoey lifted her cup with both hands, still shaking while Levi crossed his legs, flaunting the bearing of a tyrant.

Orlando stood before them like a server, reverent and respectful.

He didn’t even dare to glimpse at Levi.

He’s that legendary man!

Taking in a deep breath, Zoey stood up and handed over the proposal. “M-Mr. Jennings, I’m Zoey Lopez. Nice to meet you. This is my proposal! Please have a look!”

Orlando chuckled. “Your ability speaks for itself, Ms. Lopez. We can leave the proposal aside. You have our full confidence.”


When Orlando’s eyes met Levi’s terrifying ones, he quickly took over the proposal and studied it with a few other project leaders, with Zoey explaining at the side.

About half an hour later, Orlando got up and said with a smile, “We were right about you, Ms. Lopez! It’s perfect! The plan is ninety-five out of a hundred! After revising some details from our end, it’s perfect now.”

“Does that mean we got the job?” Levi asked.

Orlando nodded. “We received thirty-three bidding documents from the preliminary selection, and so far Ms. Lopez has the highest score! We have inspected Imperial Meadows Limited and Lopez Group’s capabilities before this, and you guys are basically qualified to take on this project! Now we just have to go with the flow and sign the contract three days later.”

Zoey knew it was all cut and dried!

Levi got up, pulled Zoey away and said passingly, “Thank you…”

“What? No, no. This is what we should do!”

Hearing Levi’s words of gratitude, Orlando was so scared that he almost got down on his knees.

Even after coming outside, Zoey still felt as if she was dreaming.

“Zoey, how was it?” Harry and a dozen others gathered around her.

“Grandpa, we passed the preliminary selection and my score was the highest, ninety-five! Mr. Jennings asked me to drop by three days later to sign the contract. I… We will be responsible for the development of this project. But they are still going through the process, so we have to keep it a secret!”

Zoey originally wanted to say that she would work on this project on her own, but seeing Harry, she instinctively changed her tone.

“Very good! I’m so proud of you, Zoey! You’re the Lopez family’s hero!”

Harry was excited, and so were the others.

After all, it was a major project of one billion.

For as long as Zoey could remember, Harry had only complimented her twice.

The first time was when she married Levi, an upstart six years ago.

And the compliment this time felt surreal to her.

“Zoey, are you sure we’re getting this project and all we have to do is sign the contract three days later?” Harry asked again, still feeling a little unsettled.

Zoey nodded. “Yes, Grandpa. I’m sure!”

“Okay, that’s a load off my mind!”

Harry heaved a sigh of relief.

Thereafter, Levi, Zoey, and the Lopez family dispersed and returned home, respectively.

“That was so unexpected, Dad!” Henry chortled. “We really got the job! I’ve asked my friend to ask Mr. Jennings’ secretary about it, and it’s true!”

Harry’s face was glowing. “Yes, it’s a great joy for the Lopez family.”

“Grandpa,” Samuel said, after hesitating for a long time. “Are you really going to give Zoey full authority to handle this project? I’m afraid that with Levi’s wild ambition, this project will have nothing to do with us when the time comes.”

Harry laughed. “Oh, Samuel, I’ve thought about that! Didn’t you hear me just now? Now that the project is ours and all we need is to sign the contract three days later, Zoey has no more use-value for us. Besides, can her small Imperial Meadows Limited develop a project of one billion?”

“So, you guys will go and sign the contract three days later! I only gave Zoey a nominal position. I don’t intend on having her take part in the development of this project.”

Samuel laughed sinisterly. “That’s a sick move, Grandpa!”

The Return of God of War Chapter 12

Back home, Aaron and Caitlyn looked at Levi incredulously. “You were right. Dad really came to invite Zoey in person.”

“Dad, it seems you’ve lost this bet,” Levi said, smiling.

“But how could this project fall into our hands? There are so many stronger companies out there. Why would they choose us?” Aaron pondered out loud.

“Yeah, why did they insist on having me sign the contract?” Zoey blinked, waiting for Levi’s explanation.

She couldn’t help but think that Levi was behind all this. It was as if every word he said would come true.

“Don’t you guys remember what Azure Dragon said at the banquet that night?” Levi asked.

“I get it now!” Aaron said immediately. “It was all Azure Dragon’s intentions! A big shot sure does honor his promises! I mean, who else do you guys think could order Mr. Jennings around?”

Zoey smiled bashfully. “I thought Azure Dragon was just making a casual remark.”

“The words of a big shot must be fulfilled!” Levi beamed.

“Gosh, my family is about to go through the roof once we take over this project! Cook your best dish, Caitlyn. It’s a celebration,” Aaron said.

Perhaps it was because of their good mood, Levi looked much more pleasing to the couple’s eyes.

“Don’t worry about finding a job, Levi,” Zoey said. “Just stay with me.”

“Sure. I’ll make sure to assist you well.”

Three days later, Levi and Zoey suited up, ready to go over and sign the contract.

“Levi, I think I should give Grandpa a heads-up. They’re very concerned about this after all,” Zoey said.

“I don’t think that’s necessary. This is none of their business, anyway,” Levi said.

“Still, I think I should give them a call.”

Zoey dialed Harry’s number.

“What’s the matter, Zoey?”

“Grandpa, I’m just giving you a heads-up that we’re going to sign the contract now.”

“Oh, that, your sister and Samuel are already on their way there, so you don’t have to go. Don’t worry. They’re going to sign on your behalf! Just leave this matter alone and go to work at Imperial Meadows in peace,” Harry said, hanging up soon after.

Zoey was so startled that she almost dropped her phone.

“What is it?”

“Grandpa said that this matter has nothing to do with me and someone has already gone to sign the contract on my behalf,” Zoey sniveled.

Levi’s blood boiled upon hearing that.

The Lopez family is just as shameless as the Garrison family!

“Don’t worry. No one can take away what belongs to you,” Levi said in a low voice.

He turned around and drafted a message, sending it directly to the leader of the Ministry of Construction.

Meanwhile, a dozen of entrepreneurs had gathered at the bidding site, waiting for the announcements of the result.

Ultimately, it was Carlos Wayland, the deputy leader of the Ministry of Construction, who made the announcement.

“I hereby announce that the West City Ecological Park project will be developed by Imperial Meadows Limited of Lopez Group!”

The audience burst into an uproar at Carlos’ announcement.

No one could understand the logic behind Imperial Meadows’ victory.

Samuel, Melanie, and the others who went as representatives of Imperial Meadows rose to their feet and accepted the congratulations from the people around them.

“May we have the representative of Imperial Meadows Limited come to the backstage to sign the contract?”

The person who was ultimately responsible for the signing of the contract was still Orlando Jennings.

The deputy team leader only came to announce the result.

“Hmm? Where’s Ms. Zoey?”

Orlando looked up at the few of them with disgust in his eyes.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you again, Mr. Jennings,” Samuel greeted. “Zoey currently has too much on her plate, so she has sent us to sign the contract on her behalf instead.”

“Besides, the result of the bidding has been made and we’re set on taking on the project. What’s the difference between who should sign and who shouldn’t, Mr. Jennings?” Melanie chipped in.

“Oh, there’s a huge difference, my friend,” Orlando snickered. “Let me ask you a question, for example, if you’re here on behalf of Ms. Zoey to sign the contract, will you be signing her name or someone else’s name?”

“I…” Melanie was stumped.

Surely, they weren’t intending to sign Zoey’s name, but Harry’s.

Wouldn’t Zoey become the sole possessor of the project if they signed her name?

“By the way, Mr. Jennings,” Shaun added. “You may not be aware of this, although the Lopez Group has many subsidiaries, the president is Mr. Harry Lopez, who has absolute control of all companies. This time the contract will be signed under Mr. Harry’s name, and Zoey has also agreed to this.”

Orlando shook his head. “That won’t do! We’ve appointed Zoey Lopez to oversee this project. I don’t know who’s this Harry Lopez that you speak of. But since you people have said so, I’ll give Ms. Zoey a call. If she agrees, I’ll approve it on my side as well.”

The trio became flustered at once, knowing that Zoey had been kept in the dark and never agreed to this.

“Ms. Zoey, may I ask if you consented for someone else to sign the contract on your behalf and with Mr. Harry’s name at that?” Orlando asked straightforwardly once the call connected.

Upon hearing that, it dawned on Zoey that the project would have nothing to do with her from now on if she gave her consent, and if she didn’t, she supposed her grandfather would hate her for life. It was a decision she had to make between interests and her grandfather.

“I… I a…”

Zoey hesitated for a long time and was about to agree when Levi seized her phone.

“No! They didn’t even call! What’s going on? Worse comes to worst, we’ll just give up on this project. Just give it to whoever wants it,” Levi said.

Hanging up, Orlando gave Samuel and his companions a death stare, his face gloomy.

Realizing the graveness of this matter, they lowered their heads and dared not look at Orlando.

“I’d made myself very clear, didn’t I? This project has to be accomplished by Ms. Zoey from beginning to the end! No one else can replace her! If you insist on this, I can only replace someone else! There are so many people who can handle this project.”

“Listen, if you want this project, get Ms. Zoey to come and sign the contract now! Otherwise, we’ll take it as you’ve forfeited!”

Hearing Orlando’s words, the three of them ran like the wind.

“What? It has to be Zoey? I thought anyone could sign the contract!”

Harry was flabbergasted when he learned about it.

“Dad, what should we do now?” Henry asked. “Do we really have to let Zoey take over this project?”

“There’s no other way. But even after Zoey takes over, most of the profits will still be in our hands. Zoey is still obedient to me; we’ll just give them a little something when the time comes. After all, her small Imperial Meadows Limited can’t afford to work on this project by themselves. They’ll need our help,” Harry said.

“But Grandpa, how are we going to get Zoey to sign the contract? This has happened for the second time now,” someone asked.

“Hmph, I’ll go pick her up myself,” Harry sneered. “I won’t take no for an answer. Give her a call first!”

After the call went through, it was Levi who answered. “Huh? You guys don’t have to come. We’re busy.”

At that, Levi hung up directly.

The Return of God of War Chapter 13

Everyone in the Lopez family was baffled.

Zoey would have agreed, but with Levi around her, they weren’t so sure about that.

“What do we do now? Who knows if Zoey disappeared with Levi again. If we don’t find them by afternoon, Mr. Jennings will consider us to have voluntarily given up on the project,” Samuel said anxiously.

“Hmph, she’s threatening me! Even going as far as to give me terms!” Harry retorted, then made a call. “What’s the meaning of this, Levi? You don’t want this project anymore?”

“That’s right, it has nothing to do with me, anyway! Weren’t you guys trying to lay Zoey off? We might as well leave this project alone,” Levi retaliated.

“Levi, Grandpa has no other meaning,” Harry toned down. “Come and sign the contract with Zoey. In the future, Zoey will be in charge of this development project. That’s what Mr. Jennings wants too.”

“Well, I’m not so sure about that. I’m afraid that Zoey would be laid off at any time.”

“Name your conditions, Levi. How can I get Zoey to sign the contract?”

Harry was infuriated, but he couldn’t help it.

“Conditions? Number one, Imperial Meadows Limited will fully develop this project, and no other companies of Lopez Group shall be directly involved. Number two, Imperial Meadows Limited shall be separated from Lopez Group and become an independent company. But Zoey has agreed to hand over some parts of the development project to you. I mean, we should all make money together, right? As long as you agree to the conditions mentioned, I’ll bring Zoey over to sign the contract right away!”

Harry blew a gasket after Levi finished speaking.

Levi is getting Zoey to cut all ties with the Lopez family.

In other words, the Lopez family will have nothing to do with this project, and it depends on Zoey if we want to get a piece of the pie.

But at this critical juncture, we should sign the contract first.

I must have this project.

Harry drew in a deep breath. “Okay, I agree!”

“Verbal promises are not enough. We should go through the formalities immediately,” Levi said.


How I wish I can skin him alive! He’s not giving me a chance to think.

“Fine. I’ll send someone to get it done!”

In just three hours, Harry had completed all the formalities.

Imperial Meadows Limited was completely separated from Lopez Group and became Zoey’s company.

“Okay, we’ll go and sign the contract now!”

Levi brought Zoey to the bidding site and successfully signed the contract with Orlando.

So I’m in charge of a major project of one billion?

From bankruptcy to taking on such a huge project…

Zoey didn’t dare to think too much about it.

With the contract signed, Harry and the others were overwhelmed with mixed feelings.

“Isn’t Levi being too ruthless? He’s burning all our bridges,” Henry said.

“The nerve of him! Can Zoey even handle this project alone? Can she even sign this contract if it wasn’t for the Lopez family?”

“Yeah, she’s monopolizing everything. I refuse to accept this!”

Shaun, Melanie and the others were upset.

“Don’t worry, you guys,” Fabian chuckled. “We can still get this project! Even if Imperial Meadows Limited has become independent, Dad still owns thirty percent of their shares. Besides, developing a one billion project is not something anyone can pull off. Every bit of human and financial resources is indispensable. It’s impossible for a small company like Imperial Meadows to handle this alone.”

“Yeah, Imperial Meadows Limited is almost bankrupt now, and they still owe Grandpa money,” Shaun said. “Where will they get the funds to work on this project?”

“Well, there’s no need to consider Levi; he’s just a piece of trash, and Zoey has no connections of sorts in North Hampton. They’ll have to beg us to invest in them when the time comes.”


Henry smirked. “Dad, I think we should impose a little pressure on them and get back the 2.8 million first!”

Harry laughed heartily. “You’re the worst, Henry. But that should do it! Shaun, go over in a moment and ask for our money!”

Aaron and Caitlyn had been informed.

They were so excited that they specially prepared a meal and waited for Levi and Zoey to come back.

However, Zoey looked glum despite signing a big contract.

“Mom, Dad, we’ve completely offended Grandpa this time! I bet they’re going to hate us for life.”

“Just ignore them! Our status has been the lowest in the family all this while and your Grandpa doesn’t even care about us! This time, we must make a name for ourselves and prove it to him!” Aaron said.

“Yes, I must work hard!”

“Levi,” Aaron said. “Although you contributed nothing to this incident, our family seems to be doing well after you come back. Come, let’s have a drink!”

Just as Aaron brought out a bottle of fine wine, Shaun arrived.

“Grandpa sent me here, Uncle Aaron! This is an IOU. Please return the 2.8 million that you owe us.”

Shaun’s statement hit Aaron and his family like a thunderbolt.

“Grandpa said that he’s going to make an appointment with a foreign specialist to seek medical advice, and he has no money now, so he can only ask you guys to pay him back,” Shaun added. “It’s a little urgent, so you must settle your debt in three days. Otherwise, Grandpa’s health will only deteriorate!”

Shaun left after he gave them the distressing news.

“What’s wrong?” Levi asked.

Zoey bit the bottom of her lips and said, “We’re doomed. There’s no money, not at the company nor at home! The company has just started operating again, and we don’t even have half a million in our account. As for the family, we almost couldn’t afford to pay my brother’s tuition fee.”

Zoey had a younger brother who was studying abroad and was still relying on the family for financial support.

“I knew it,” Aaron sighed. “Dad wouldn’t have let us off that easily. I knew he would drive us into a corner until we pay him back.”

Zoey’s face was drained of all color and animation. “It’s not just about paying them back, we also need funds for the development project. We don’t even have the initial funds to start the project. Investment is needed, but it’s difficult. The project may be shelved when the time comes and the other party might even terminate the contract!”

“You don’t say! We’ve been warned by the bank and we can’t even borrow a single cent now.”

Aaron was on the verge of tears.

After all that talking, it all boiled down to this—money!

They could have solved everything if they had the money, but a man without a penny was no man at all.

Besides, it wasn’t just a matter of a penny now, but 2.8 million!

“I’ve seen this coming,” Aaron continued. “Your Grandpa is tricking us into giving them this project by forcing us to borrow money from them and have them invest in us.”

“If there’s no other way, let’s just give it up and give it to Grandpa,” Zoey said helplessly. “Now that Imperial Meadows Limited is in our hands, let’s take it one step at a time!”

“Why should you give it up?” Levi spoke. “2.8 million is not a problem! Just leave it to me!”

The Return of God of War Chapter 14

Everyone looked at Levi in bewilderment. “What? Leave it to you? You just got out of prison. Do you have the money?”

“I… I’ll come up with something.”

Levi had a card with him, but he didn’t know how much was inside.

“Don’t force yourself and do anything that is out of line! We’ll just let it go if things don’t work out,” Zoey said, looking at Levi worryingly, afraid he would do something extreme.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it,” Levi replied, holding her hands.

The next day, Levi went out alone.

As soon as he arrived at the intersection, a Maybach came to a halt at the side.

Azure Dragon got down from the car and ushered Levi to get in.

“Any updates on the Garrison family? Is anyone coming to apologize?” Levi asked.

Azure Dragon shook his head. “Not one of them are repenting.”

A cold glint flashed across Levi’s eyes. “It’s time to show them a little something.”

Arriving at the bank, Levi withdrew five million cash in one go.

The staff at the bank looked at him, appalled, and was especially horrified to see the man in military uniform standing next to him.

That’s the King of War!

Hans, the general manager of North Hampton Bank’s head office, came to serve in person.

In the end, he and Hailey, a tall woman with a pleasant-looking face, helped to carry the briefcases of cash from the VIP passageway.

Hailey couldn’t help but steal a second glance at Levi, who seemed familiar to her.

“His identity is so intimidating, even our chief almost ran over here.”

After sending them off, Hans drew in a deep breath.

“Who was that, Mr. Lowery?” Hailey asked curiously. “Is the one next to him in a military uniform someone famous?”

“That person is a bona fide King of War! Having the King of War as his follower… Think about it,” Hans said lowly.

“Damn!” Hailey gasped in shock.

“So don’t mention about today and keep everything confidential.”

Hailey nodded. “Understood!”

“No matter who asks, just say it’s a loan, and forge a receipt or something.”

“Yes, sir!”

At night, when Levi returned home carrying five briefcases full of cash, Zoey and her parents were dumbfounded.

They counted them three times, and lo and behold, there were indeed five million.

“W-Where did you get so much money? Please don’t tell me it’s from the loan sharks.”

Zoey freaked out.

“What loan sharks! Don’t worry about it! Anyhow, I got the money, so use this to solve your urgent problem first,” Levi said.

“Yes, let’s solve this first,” Aaron concurred.

“But 2.8 million is enough! Why did you get five million?” Zoey asked in confusion.

“You’ll see when the time comes.”

Upon hearing the news that they were going to pay up, Henry came to collect the money himself.

“Damn, Aaron. That was fast,” Henry jeered. “You sure there’s 2.8 million? It must be hard on you. I’d thought you couldn’t afford to pay us back.”

Aaron glared at him. “That is none of your concern. Anyway, I’ve put together 2.8 million, and that settles our debt!”

“Who said it’s 2.8 million?” sneered Henry, changing the subject. “We need to take the many days of interest into account. Here’s the IOU. Including the interest, it should be about five million plus, but we’ll just charge you five million.”

“What? Five million? How is it five million? Even the loan sharks are not as demanding as you!”

Aaron and Zoey were thunderstruck.

“Dad lent it to us unconditionally back then,” Caitlyn said. “How can there be interest?”

“My dear Caitlyn, you are so naïve! Dad borrowed the money to help you, but we’re all entrepreneurs; let’s not bring familial affection into this matter. What can I do if you people didn’t read the IOU carefully?”

Zoey and Aaron took the IOU and calculated them, and indeed there was interest.

They finally knew why Levi had brought five million.

However, it was obvious that the IOU had been amended!

How cruel!

I can’t believe Grandpa is doing this to me!

Am I just an outsider to him?

Zoey teared up.

Aaron too was crestfallen.

Is he even my biological father?

How could he use such dirty tricks on us?

“What? You won’t admit it? Okay, fine! I’ll sue you then!” Henry sniggered.

“Why wouldn’t we?! Five million, right? Here, take it!”

Levi put five briefcases of cash in front of Henry.

After checking them, Henry and a few others were gobsmacked.

Its real money! And there’s exactly five million!

Levi recorded the scene and tore up the IOU.

“Where did you get five million?”

Henry was on the verge of doubting reality.

“That’s none of your business. Get lost!”

Levi chased them out.

At the Lopez residence, everyone was staring at the five million on the table with eyes and mouth wide agape.

“How did they get this money? Did they go all out to collect five million just to prevent us from touching that ten billion project?”

Fabian arrived just then.

“Dad, I’ve found out that Levi borrowed these five million! He seems to have some property that can be used as a collateral,” he said.

“Are you sure?” Harry asked seriously.

“I’m sure! The person in charge of this transaction was Ms. Hailey Stinson, the senior director of North Hampton Bank’s head office. I somehow managed to contact her, and she admitted herself it was a person named Levi Garrison who borrowed it. I’d spent a hundred thousand to get a copy of the invoice!”

After receiving the invoice, Harry confirmed it was true.

“Haha, borrowed? Let see how he’s going to pay it back.”

“The biggest question is, how are they going to work on this project? They would still have to come to us in the end!”

Zoey felt it was too surreal to solve such a big issue.

She was touched when she learned from the Lopez family that it was Levi who borrowed the money to settle their debts.

“We should bring in investments and start the project as soon as possible!”

“But that’s another big problem there. We’ll need lots of funds to develop this project.”

According to Zoey’s budget, a start-up capital of thirty million would be required and at least seventy million would be needed subsequently.

Aaron gave a low moan of despair. It was too difficult a task to accomplish.

“Do you have any idea?” asked Zoey, looking at Levi.

Levi smiled. “We’ll just look for big companies then. We’ll try door to door. This project is a gold mine! I’m sure many companies will be interested.”

Zoey nodded. “I know that, but I’m afraid they’ll ask for a lot in return once they agree. There will be many overlord terms!”

“There’s no harm in trying, right? You’ll never know if there’s someone who would invest with no strings attached if you don’t try,” Levi beamed.

“How is that possible?”

Zoey was deeply suspicious.

The Return of God of War Chapter 15

If truth be told, it was a matter of Levi’s words regarding the investments.

“Oh yeah, don’t you worry,” said Zoey suddenly. “I’ll pay back the five million; hopefully we can reel in some investments as soon as possible.”

“There’s no need for that. Why are we even discussing this topic?”

Levi smiled.

“But you also have to pay back the money, no? How are you going to do that? You haven’t got any money.”

At that, Levi nodded.

“Once we earn enough money from this project, I’m planning to get a house. It’s inappropriate of us to stay with Mom and Dad,” Zoey added.

“Do you still remember our marital home?” asked Levi, remembering suddenly.

“I do. You designed that villa yourself, and it was perfect! What a waste,” Zoey sighed.

“I’m going to take back that villa,” Levi said.

“That villa belongs to the Garrison family now, Levi. Don’t do anything reckless. You can’t fight them,” Zoey persuaded.

“Don’t worry.”

Levi was determined to take back what the Garrison family took from him.

The next day, Zoey was busy looking for investment while Levi stayed home. He wanted to let Zoey run into a stone wall before making the necessary arrangements.

Aaron and Caitlyn looked at Levi who was smoking on the couch, their brows furrowed and they looked sullen.

“Put out the cigarette and come with me! I have something to tell you!” said Aaron coldly, glaring at Levi in revulsion.

Levi stubbed out his cigarette and followed suit.

“Dad, just fire away!”

Aaron’s brows knitted tightly together into a deep frown. “Are you not aware of our situation now?”

“I think we’re good.” Levi smiled. “We got the project and as long as we reel in some investments, Zoey and our future will be bright as day.”

“Yeah, and it’s because Zoey has a promising future, you’re at risk.”

“What?” Levi’s expression changed from delight to puzzlement.

“You should know that once this project is accomplished, Zoey’s net worth will increase by a few billion. She’ll gain a foothold in North Hampton in the future. Do you think you’ll still be worthy of her then?” Aaron said solemnly. “I’m not questioning your abilities, but you have to understand that you just came out of prison and things are different from six years ago. It won’t be easy to start a business again. The gap between you and Zoey will only grow.”


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