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The Rewritten Love: A Second Beginning (Madelyn) novel Chapter 1328

Chapter 1328 

Liam was standing in the rain, and though it hadn’t been long, he was thoroughly drenched. 

Blake quickly pulled him close, her voice laced with concern. “Are you crazy? It’s pouring rain! What if you catch a cold?” 

Liam’s look was subdued, his face showing signs of fatigue. “I’m 

okay. This is for you; I didn’t want you to have to come out in this 


As Blake took in his forlorn appearance, her heart softened suddenly.’ Am I losing my mind?’ she thought. 

“Now you’ll have to pay more attention to me, Blake… I was just so scared of losing you. I’ve put everything I have into getting you to 

agree to marry me; the idea of you walking away is unbearable.” 

Overwhelmed with emotion, Blake locked eyes with him. “Did she teach you to say that too?” she asked, her hand moving on its own to brush away the raindrops from his hair. 

A maid nearby, observing the scene, rushed over with a blanket and an umbrella. However, Grace, fully grasping the gravity of the 

moment, halted her. Acknowledging the significance, the maid 

retreated without interfering. 

Raindrops clung heavily to Liam’s eyelashes, one trembling loose as he spoke. 

His voice was soft. “I sought her out just three times. The first was right after we met. I was so nervous because I knew it was you. She 

helped me choose clothes, thinking you’d like them.” 

“The second time was when you were at the police station; I was at a loss. She advised me to seek my father’s assistance to get you out, but only if I agreed to take up his position afterward. 

“Blake, I can’t stand returning to the Xander estate; it’s like they’ve 

erased me from their lives. 

“That snowy day, I couldn’t stand the thought of you being alone 

inside. Knowing how much you despise being confined, my only 

option was to wait outside. Staying by your side was my choice. 

“The last time was during your pregnancy. It wasn’t the baby that 

worried me, but the fear you might leave because of it. I… I feel so 


Liam’s words, blending with the rain, struck a chord within her, pulling 

at Blake’s heart. 

Overcome with emotion, her voice faltered. Her hand shook as she 

touched his face, her thoughts swirling. ‘He did all this for me?’ 

Blake lowered her head, struggling to control her emotions. “Liam, why do you always have to be so considerate toward me?” 

She had never had anyone other than family show such dedication. 

With Kevin, she was always the one putting in more effort from the 

start. Seeing Liam’s sincerity, she recognized a reflection of her own 

selflessness in him. 


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