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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 6

Olivia's POV

I see him walking out of the bathroom and I take a deep breath, I feel my heart pounding and I can feel my underwear soaking wet, unbelievable that my body would betray me like that.

I walk to the sink supporting my weight with my hands on the sink looking into the mirror blinking trying to get my heart rate to a normal beating.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" - I whisper to myself thinking about him.

I wash my hands trying to clean my mind at the same time I clean my hands. I grab my phone and message Anna and John on our group chat.

“Hey, you guys want to meet up tonight around mine?”

“Sorry babe, I have a date” – Anna says

“Uhh, is it with that Greek god?” – I ask

“Hey Love, I can’t today I need to work a extra shift at the restaurant” – John replies

“Let me know when you guys can hang out, and Anna, Good luck” – I say sending her a wink emoji.

I put my phone on my pocket and I walk outside and I realise the class has started and as I don't want to see HIM again I walk to the office and keep on with my work. I lose track of time and Lucas walks in alone, which made me breathe better.

"Hey it's lunch time, do you want to join me?" - Lucas asked

"No thanks, I brought my food, thanks anyway" - I smile

“My treat, come on Liv, you never have lunch with me” – he says

“Maybe Monday?” – I say with a small smile

Lucas smiles at me and leaves the office and I take a break for my lunch, I set my salad bowl on the table, open my book "My lycan" and turn on the music on my phone putting the ear pods in my ears.

After I finish I put everything in my lunch bag and crack on with work that Lucas emailed me.

"He doesn't take a break" - I say to myself

It’s around 6 when Lucas walks in "hey, do you want a ride home?"

"Isn’t it too much trouble?" - I ask

"No it's fine, come on" – he says while he grabs his suit blazer wallet and car keys from his desk.

I grab all of my stuff and I walk with Lucas towards his car that is in the parking lot, he’s got a posh Audi and he opens the door for me, I slide in and he closes the door walking to the driver side and gets in the car starting in and driving it to Brooklyn.

He turns on the radio and I look outside of the window, taking it all in. Usually I travel on the subway so I don’t have the opportunity to see the city like this very often. I Love this city.

"I love this area" he says right before we arrive in front of my building.

"Yeah me too, but I just wish I could afford something better, but I don't think I could leave Brooklyn" - I lie. I could leave Brooklyn, I wouldn't mind a penthouse on the Upper East Side... being near the park... that would be great.

He stops the car and looks me deep in the eyes and makes me feel butterflies



"Can I ask you a question?"


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