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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Another Bet 

Nicholas couldn’t help but burst into roaring laughter, then stared at Daniel like he was looking at a fool. Two billion? Who are you going 

to sell to? Who would pay two billion for your junk?” 

The buyer is right in front of me.” 

Right in front of you? Who? Who would be that stupid?” 

Of course, it’s you, Smiley Nick.” 

Daniel’s answer left Nicholas momentarily taken aback. Then, he laughed even louder

What did you say? You want to sell these three pieces of junk to me for two billion? Jessica, your assistant, did he escape from a mental institution? If his brain functioned normally, could he say such a thing? Expecting me to pay two billion for these three items? If you succeed, I’ll kneel down to apologize to you!” 

Nicholas was confident; he hadn’t met his match in the art of 

deception for decades. For a mere assistant to dare claim he’d make Nicholas pay two billion for what was essentially five million dollarsworth of forgeries the assistant clearly didn’t grasp the reality

Brittany, standing by, couldn’t bear to watch any longer


She let out a scornful laugh and mocked Daniel. Smiley Nick has been in this business for so long. These three antiques are forgeries worth about five million. Not only did Smiley Nick recognize that, but 

so did others. You think you can sell something worth five million for two billion to Smiley Nick? Do you think his head is a water tank?” 

Even if Smiley Nick’s head was a water tank, he wouldn’t want these 

three items for two hundred dollars, let alone two billion. It is 

precisely because of Smiley Nick’s profound cunning that he will 

spend two billion to acquire these three items. Not to mention, like he just promised, he will kneel before me to apologize. But I may not forgive him.” 

Daniel’s words seemed to irritate Nicholas

How dare an assistant speak in such a manner? If you can sell these three pieces of junk to me for two billion, I won’t just kneel and apologize to you. You can pick any antique off this shelf there!” 

Nicholas gestured towards a shelf filled with counterfeits, none of which were worth more than fifty thousand

Adding to his offer, Nicholas suggested, Since I’ve put forward my wager, perhaps you should place a bet as well?

Nicholas, the old fox, was not looking to bet with Daniel for his position he wanted to use this bet to con Jessica again

What sort of wager do you expect from me?

You are Jessica’s assistant, a representative of TMO. It looks like you’re the one gambling with me, but in reality, it’s the organization you represent TMO that’s betting against me. Thus, our wager should naturally come from TMO


The Windows Street property you’ve owned for three years without development if you lose, TMO should transfer it to me at the 


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