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The War God’s Favorite novel Chapter 76

 The Punishment
Kareen and Shareen were almost smiling as if Phetra’s screams had been some pleasant melody. Cassandra couldn’t help but feel a bit bad for her on the inside. From the way she was piercing their ears, she must have been in such horrible pain…
The Emperor’s mouth was still open, as he was still processing what had just happened, staring at the window. He finally turned to Kairen, angry.
“Kairen, when I ordered for Phetra to be taken to the Imperial Prison, I actually meant for her to be taken there through the door, the damn door!” He exclaimed. “Why is it that you children are always only thinking of fighting and killing each other!”

His yelling had no effect on his son. Kairen turned around and walked back to Cassandra, looking almost satisfied. At least, his murderous look in his eyes was gone.
“Well, from what we can hear, Father,” said Shareen. “She is still pretty much alive.”
The Emperor glared her way, not amused by her antics this time. He sighed, massaging his temples and looking truly exhausted by all this ruckus.
“Anyway, someone goes grab her from… wherever she is now, and get her an Imperial Physician immediately. She’s still going to the Imperial Prison. Now I have to find someone who’ll be willing to marry this pest… Ah, what a headache… Those children…”
While the poor Emperor kept rambling, the guards subtly glanced Cassandra’s way for a second, but after thinking about it twice, figured it would probably be better to find another Imperial Physician. With the current state of things, the Imperial Concubine probably wouldn’t even have agreed to treat the Princess’ rashes…
Once the guards had left, Cassandra let out a little sigh of relief. Things weren’t over, though. Vrehan turned to their father, looking very serious.
“Father, we still have an issue to solve.”
“What? What now?”
When his eyes surreptitiously went Missandra’s way, Cassandra’s heart sank. She knew this wasn’t good. She had thought that man had been too cold, watching his sister being thrown out of a window without saying a thing, but now, it was clear he had been waiting for this moment all along, and not caring about Phetra…
“The servant. She still insulted an Imperial Princess.”
“She did it to defend me!” Said Cassandra, immediately standing in front of her sister in a protective stance.
“The Imperial Law does not care about the reasons for her actions,” hissed Vrehan. “No servant, slave or anyone else outside the Imperial Family can be forgiven for insulting an Imperial Family member. Isn’t that right, Father?”
The Emperor sighed, visibly annoyed by the situation. He knew the law, of course, but he could tell that servant had only acted to protect the young concubine.
“Whatever,” he said. “Bring this servant forth.”
“Your Highness, please!” Claimed Cassandra. “She isn’t an Imperial Servant, she is my family!” (1
It was her last resort. Maybe, if Missandra couldn’t be considered as part of the staff in the Imperial Palace, the Emperor would forget about punishing her. However, she could see Kareen frowning, and that didn’t announce anything good…
“What is that now? Your Family, my dear white lily? How so?”
Missandra, trembling, stood forward and took out the veil she had been using to cover her face outside of Kareen or Cassandra’s place. Her appearance was revealed, and she bowed lowly, acting docile for once.
“She is my younger sister, your Highness,” explained Cassandra. “We have reunited not too long ago.”
“I invited her as my guest,” added Kareen.
“Oh, is that so…” Started the Emperor, but Vrehan interrupted him.
“Guest or not, father, no one in the Dragon Empire is allowed to defy a Dragon’s family. Those who do should be punished regardless of their rank. Wasn’t my sister just punished for insulting the Concubine? Why should the Concubine’s sister get away with insulting my sister then?”
Cassandra was going whiter with each word. No matter what, she didn’t want Vrehan anywhere near her sister, or able to do her anything. She couldn’t stand that man, his rat face and his cunning words. Kairen moved his position, putting himself between Cassandra and Vrehan, and Krai’s anger was now directed at the Second Prince
However, it was clear that the Dragon wouldn’t be able to injure him in any way from his position, and so, the Second Prince ignored him completely. Vrehan kept his eyes on his father, with an accusatory stance.
“Are you going to let everything go my Brother’s way, Father? If you are so tired of seeing us fighting, how about showing some equity for once? That favoritism of yours for the Concubine has to stop, father.”
The Emperor had nothing to answer to that, and for once, Kareen and Shareen had nothing to retort, either. It only worried Cassandra more. She had to hold on to Kairen’s arm not to fall, as her heart was running crazy.
After a long while, the Emperor, who seemed hesitant, eventually sighed and nodded.
“That’s right… I need to go by the rules. Sorry, my white Lily, but Vrehan is right, I cannot let it go so easily. A punishment seems befitting of the situation.”
“May I suggest, Father,” said Vrehan.
Whatever he was about to say, Cassandra knew she wasn’t going to like it. Something in that horrid face of his told her he was about to come up with something she didn’t want to hear.
“I think… Being whipped for… let’s say five hundred and six times should do it.”
“Five hundred and six? Why would you come with such a ridiculous number!” Said the Emperor.
Missandra was appalled, but Cassandra was even worse. She knew what that number was for. It was the number of times Phetra had whipped the Concubine she had tried to defend, months ago. 1
She realized Vrehan was doing all of this on purpose. While pretending he didn’t hold it against them, he was clearly getting revenge for his sister. He was just not letting his emotions show at all as to not seem revengeful.
“Father! This is too much!” Said Shareen, furious.
“Will you stop yelling! I’m thinking!” Replied the Emperor, annoyed.
Cassandra’s heart was beating like crazy. He couldn’t agree to that. If Missandra was whipped five hundred times, she would die for sure! She exchanged worried glances with Kareen, but there wasn’t much the Imperial Concubine could do at this point. With Vrehan’s words about the favoritism they already benefited from earlier, she couldn’t say anything…
After a while, the emperor nodded.
“Alright, we will do this. The young servant will be whipped a hundred times. That will be enough.”
“Your Highness!” Screamed Cassandra, on the verge of tears.
She couldn’t believe it. Missandra would have to suffer the whip a hundred times! She didn’t even want them to touch a hair on her sister’s head. She almost collapsed, but Kairen grabbed her before that, holding her.
“Enough, enough,” said the Emperor, leaving the room.
As the Emperor left, Vrehan was staring at Cassandra. He didn’t seem happy or unhappy, his expression was indecipherable, aside from his eyes as cold as ice.
“A hundred times…” cried Cassandra.
“Hinue, don’t worry!” Said Missandra, running to her side. “I can stand it. Don’t worry please, please. Don’t cry. I… I did this to myself, Cassandra. Lady Kareen was right, I’ve been getting ahead of myself, this is my punishment. Don’t cry, please?”
However, Cassandra’s tears wouldn’t stop. She felt horribly guilty for all this. Missandra had only tried to defend her, and now she was being punished! Her younger sister had never been whipped in her life!
Kareen came to her side, too, rubbing her back and consoling her.
“Don’t worry, dear, it will be alright. His Highness won’t allow them to go too hard on her…”
Meanwhile, Shareen was still standing still, on the side, glaring at Vrehan along with Krai. The Dragon was still
growling after the Second Prince from earlier, even more frustrated to not be able to attack him.
“Are you satisfied, now?” Hissed Shareen. “Go and scrap whatever is left of your bitch sister!”
Vrehan stayed silent for a while and actually left the room without saying a word. Shareen clicked her tongue, pissed.
As they were left alone in the Imperial Chamber, Kareen insisted that they go back. Cassandra didn’t want to return to her apartments, so they headed once again to the Imperial Concubine’s apartments.
Missandra felt more sorry for her sister than she actually was for herself. She had caused this, and now Cassandra was worried sick for her. She couldn’t even stand by herself, her Prince had to carry her all the way back. She understood that she had to go through this, and how light the Emperor’s punishment for her really was. Neither Kareen or her children had looked at her since it had been announced.
When they returned to Kareen’s garden, Cassandra had stopped crying, but she was still devastated about what her sister would have to go through. Kairen gently put her in the deckchair, and Missandra immediately sat on the grass next to her, taking her hand,
“Hinue, please, don’t worry, okay? You’ve suffered so much more than me already, I can stand this much, trust me!”
No matter if she could stand it, Cassandra was already sick at the simple idea of her younger sister, her flesh and blood, being injured.
A servant came running, bowing politely.
“Your Highnesses, Imperial Concubine Kareen, Concubine Cassandra, my greetings. His Highness the Emperor has ordered for the servant Lady Missandra to be brought to the punishment cell for her sentence.”
Cassandra almost broke into tears again, but Missandra confidently stood with a resolute look.
“I’m coming,” she announced, determined.
“I’m coming with you,” said Cassandra.
“Certainly not!” Roared Kareen. “You are already sick enough, you are not going to watch that too!”
“I don’t want to leave her alone through this!” She insisted..
“I will go with her, Cassie,” sighed Shareen. “Don’t worry. They won’t dare go too hard on her if I am there. I promise I will bring her back as soon as it’s over. Just stay here with mother and Kairen.”
Cassandra wanted to protest, but no one would side with her. On the side, even Dahlia silently cried too, feeling sorry for Missandra. She internally regretted she hadn’t been braver earlier and said something to stop her or the Princess before things escalated.
She stood and hugged Missandra, holding back her tears.
“Don’t grind your teeth, and don’t get crispated”, she said. “It’ll only make it worse. T-take deep breaths, and… and… I’ll heal you when you come back. I promise.” (5)
“I know. My sister is the best healer in the world.”
Despite her confident smile, everyone could tell Missandra was just trying hard not to break down and cause her sister more pain. After a while, they let go of each other, and Cassandra stumbled back, Kairen helping her sit back.
Missandra gave her a weak smile and turned to the servant.
“I’m ready. Let’s go.”


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