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The War God’s Favorite novel Chapter 86

#86 The Storm
Cassandra smiled against her Prince’s lips, enjoying this little minute of intimacy with him. There was something unique about being able to act like this with her lover, in the middle of a busy street… Like she could show her love to the world, without fear of judgment. Back a few weeks ago, she was always so afraid of what people would say, what people would think. Now, she was able to act however she wanted with him. Somehow, she had become so comforted by Kairen’s feelings, she knew nothing could stop her love for him anymore. Cassandra didn’t care much if he wasn’t vocal about it. He was telling her just enough when she actually needed it.
“Hinue! Look!”
Missandra ran up to them, and, ecstatic, put a big flower crown on her older sister’s head. She had a wide smile on and had apparently forgotten all her hatred for the Imperial Family. Cassandra was so happy to finally see her act her age. She had one of those big flower crowns on, too, and behind her, Dahlia was playing with some flower bracelets, too.
“Aren’t those pretty! Should you get one for the ceremony? Come!”
Missandra pulled her to come to the flower stall, and check all of the flower crowns. It was the first time she showed interest in the Rain Ceremony, so Cassandra was happy to check out the items displayed with her. For once, they felt like a pair of sisters hanging out naturally, having fun with their friends, and chatting happily over trivial matters.
Cassandra was made to try several crowns by Dahlia and Missandra, so many that her hair was covered in petals after a while. The merchant was happy to have caught the girl’s attention and was overdoing it with the flattery.
“Those white lilies are so fresh, and suit your Highness so well! You should try it! Your hair is so beautiful, any of those look perfect on you!” 3
Cassandra chuckled. White lilies again! She picked the flower crown, made of ivy, white lilies, and pink lisianthus among some filler leaves. Putting it on in her hair, Cassandra checked herself in the mirror, blushing a bit. She rarely felt so pretty… That evening, her hair was down, she was wearing that pale dress that complimented her rosy cheeks so well, and radiating with happiness.
She turned to Kairen, standing behind her, to show it.
“Do you like it?” She asked.
He nodded, but he was clearly looking at her instead of the crown. Cassandra smiled and turned to the merchant.
“Could you pack this up for me?” She gently asked.
“What are you talking about! You should keep it on…” Said Missandra with a cute pout, Dahlia nodding behind her.
“You sister is right.”
Behind them, Kareen and Shareen walked up to them, both looking at the crowns of flowers. The merchant immediately bowed politely to Lady Kareen, like many people around them, recognizing the ruler and owner of the City. The Imperial Concubine handed him some money.
“You young ladies should have fun. Have your sister and that servant of yours pick some too.”
Immediately, Missandra and Dahlia’s eyes shined in excitement. Those flower crowns were expensive, not something they would have been able to spend their pocket money on. However, the shiny gold coins the Imperial Concubine had handed the merchant were more than enough for them to pick anything they wanted. (1)
They both thanked Kareen profusely, and started picking some flower crowns for themselves, even bullying Anour into trying some too. Shareen chuckled, crossing her arms while watching the scene.
“A prince being forced to wear a flower crown by two servant girls… This world is really changing faster than I thought! Mother, you can’t spend it all on Anour and the girls. What about your actual daughter?”
The Imperial Concubine sneered.
“What about her?” 2
Shareen frowned, crossing her arms and pouting.
“Aren’t you going to buy me anything, mother? With this heavy purse of yours? When do you ever gift me something?”
“Gift you something?” Said Kareen, turning to her with her eyebrow lifted. “When does this daughter of mine ever visits her mother? I’m already this old, yet neither of my children pampers me or worry about me. What should I buy you anything for? You heartless children seem to be doing well enough without me!” 13
n seei
Cassandra had the hardest time repressing her laugh while Kareen walked away, looking as proud as ever, and pushing Dahlia and Missandra to come and see some food stalls, probably to spoil them more and anger Shareen.
Meanwhile, the Princess stayed speechless.
“That old witch! Old, Her? Who is old! She’s going to bury us all!” 5
Kairen didn’t seem much surprised or affected by their mother’s rant, but Shareen went on to sulk and complain about Kareen’s attitude. Cassandra chuckled. Despite acting like this towards each other, it was obvious they loved their mother… Even more so watching Krai’s attitude with the Imperial Concubine. 2
She grabbed Kairen’s hand and pulled him to follow the group, though they walked slowly, keeping a little intimacy space around them.
“Why don’t you visit your mother more often?” She asked.
“I don’t know… I’m usually spending my time at the Military Camp most.” (2
Cassandra nodded. Shareen had mentioned before that their mother was a bit too nosy about her private
activities”… And from what Cassandra herself had seen or experienced, she was sure Kareen wouldn’t have approved either.
She caressed her little tummy that was sticking out more and more every day.
“What are you thinking?” Asked her Prince, seeing her lost in her thoughts.
“I hope our son will visit me often when I’m older… I’d be sad if he didn’t.”
Kairen frowned a bit, looking concerned about her words. Cassandra wondered if this was making him reflect on his attitude, but didn’t ask. They walked a bit longer, in silence, following the little group ahead that was enthusiastically checking the stalls. Apparently, Lady Kareen was only too happy to spoil the younger ones, probably a bit to piss of Shareen too…
“Who will you love more?” 3
“What?” Asked Cassandra, surprised by his sudden question.
“Who will you love more? Between our son and me?” 3
She was so stunned by his question, she stayed speechless for a while. However, Kairen couldn’t have looked more serious, with his usual frown on and dark eyes. Cassandra sighed, trying hard not to laugh.
“My Prince… You can’t compare love like that. A mother’s love is something unique.”
“…Does that mean you love him more?”
Cassandra chuckled this time, shaking her head.
“Do you think your mother loves you more than the Emperor?”
Well, maybe that wasn’t the best example to take… Cassandra thought for a minute. 3
“What about Princess Shareen then? Do you think your mother loves her more?”
This time, Kairen looked baffled by her question. He glanced his mother’s way, frowning a bit more, and Cassandra waited for him. It was amusing that he would be so baffled by such a simple thing as a mother’s love… Sometimes her prince had this incredibly childish side of him. He could fight and win any battle in this world, but jealousy or matters of the heart were a real problem for him to understand.
Cassandra got on her toes and kissed his cheek, ending his deep thinking with a gentle smile.
*Loves doesn’t need to be shared, compared. It’s unique and endless. I love my baby so much, and I love you too. I love you both, but differently.* 5
The Prince nodded, and replied to her kiss with one on her forehead, then her nose, until he got to her lips. She wasn’t sure he had fully understood, but at least, he wasn’t frowning anymore, her lips were keeping him busy enough…
Suddenly, Cassandra felt some droplets falling on her. She looked up and, surely, rain was starting to fall. She smiled wide, exchanging a glance with her prince.
“The rain!”
However, the little drops were now starting to come by hundreds, as the rain was rapidly increasing around them. Kareen and the rest of their group quickly gathered, everyone trying to cover themselves.
“We should head back,” said Shareen. The locals say this isn’t just going to be some light rain, there’s a storm coming, and they get nasty in this area!” 3
Everyone agreed and, quickly, they walked back to the Diamond Palace. No one had been expecting that rain. The streets were quickly cleared, as the merchants were closing up their stalls and putting their merchandise to a safe place.
The Palace wasn’t far, but by the time they got there, everyone was soaked. The servants ran to hand them some towels to wipe themselves with, but the Imperial Concubine was a bit upset at her disheveled hair and messy clothes.
“What a mess…”
Like the locals had said, it wasn’t just a downpour. Above them, the wind picked up, and the claps of thunder and lightning flashes cloaked the sky in no time. This was truly a thunderstorm, not just rain. In the Diamond Palace, so many rooms had open roofs, Cassandra could hear the rain all around them. Of course, the servants had quickly moved the furniture where it needed too, being used to the rain, but so many rooms were now unusable.
“Well, someone wanted rain…” sighed Shareen.
“Should we wait until it calms down, Cassandra dear?” Asked Kareen.
The young Concubine nodded, looking a bit sad.
“It can’t be helped. It would be too dangerous to go out in this weather…”
If it wasn’t for the wind and thunder, this rain would actually have been perfect for the Ceremony, but Cassandra had to admit, the current conditions weren’t good. The wind would have blown things away, and that thunder would be dangerous for anyone outside.
Feeling her deception, Kairen suddenly lifted her up. (2)
“Kairen?” She asked, taken by surprise.
However, without explaining a thing, the Prince slowly walked out of the room, leaving everyone else behind, and took Cassandra deeper inside the Diamond Palace. She couldn’t help but wonder where he was taking her… She could hear Krai climbing the walls around them and following their path from the outside, but those rooms around them were some she had never been to before, she couldn’t tell where they were. Kairen was obviously very familiar with the Diamond Palace. He was navigating easily, avoiding the rooms being flooded or taking corridors were they could avoid the downpour from the open roofs.
Finally, he put her down in front of a large door and pushed it open.
Cassandra took a minute to understand. It was obviously a bathroom and a very large one at that. Actually, the large basin was being overflowed with water. This room didn’t have a fully open roof per se, but some openings in the walls were letting the heavy rain through, and it was slowly adding up. However, the most interesting part of that room was that instead of being surrounded by four or six walls like most rooms, this one had only five. One part of the wall had been left open, giving her an incredible view of the city, and access for Krai to sneak his head in. The large basin was actually going all the way to that open part, and the excess water was being poured down below, overflowing the border of the basin.
She was amazed… This was such a strange room, and that tub was almost working as a large natural fountain, being filled by rainwater and flowing on the lower levels… She wanted to get in and go see the full view, but with this windy weather, it was obvious she should stay in the covered part.
To her surprise, Kairen walked in first, taking off his clothes and going into the water. Behind him, Krai growled, and without warning, spat fire.
Cassandra was afraid, seeing him do that for the first time, but the Dragon wasn’t doing that in her direction. Actually, he was burning the water next to his master, and, shortly after, some vapor was visible. Cassandra chuckled, a put her feet in the water. It was warm!
Krai’s fire had heated the water, turning this place into some hot pool… She chuckled and took the hand Kairen was offering her to walk in.


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