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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1548

Whoosh, whoosh...

In an instant, the strong gust almost blew Andrius away.

Andrius was stunned and angry.

The beast came too soon.

The insect orb was in reach right in front of him, but if he grabbed it, he would definitely suffer a heavy blow from the Apocalypse Insect.

However, if he dodged...

Andrius did not dare to guarantee whether the insect orb would continue to remain intact under the Apocalypse Insect’s attack.

If it was destroyed, he would lose his last chance to fight against the Apocalypse Insect.

“Let’s do it!”

Andrius did not have the time to overthink it. He gritted his teeth and rushed toward the insect orb.


The next moment, an endless force struck and hit Andrius’ back hard.

Blood surged up his throat, and he spat out mouthfuls of blood. His body flew forward like a broken branch.

Fortunately, with a wave of his hand, he firmly grasped the insect orb.


As soon as he grasped it, a strange power reemerged from it. There was also a mysterious aura trying to rush into his mind.

Andrius was shocked.

The orb was very strange, so he did not dare to let it rampage freely.


Andrius gritted his teeth, enduring the shaking of his internal organs, and propped himself up against the wall. He wrapped the orb with inner energy tightly, preventing it from invading his mind.

However, by doing this, he delayed some time.

The huge Apocalypse Insect charged at Andrius once again.


Andrius knew that he only had one chance. He took a deep breath, and just as the Apocalypse Insect rushed toward him, he suddenly activated his inner energy and thrust the insect orb into its mouth.

The Apocalypse Insect was large, so its inertia continued to carry it to Andrius.

Ten meters, five meters, three meters, one meter!

Chapter 1548 1


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