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Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem) by Pippa Moon novel Chapter 139

Chapter 139: Play Our Part

Kane POV 

Chapter 139: Play Our Part

You insulted the Moon goddess, and there will be 

consequences for that.Astaraoth announced, making my jaw clench, because I knew he was most likely right. She would have to make an example of us. I imagine the second Lottie here rejects you,” he declared, stepping toward us, as I instinctively stepped back. The second she.is out of the picture, your secondchance mates will suddenly pop up, and you will be powerless to fight that bond.” 

You dare suggest such a thing?Knox’s voice ripped through the room, with a low and dangerous edge to his tone that made me more than a little nervous. No one could ever replace her!” he spat, and I felt Charlotte tighten her grip on my chest. I agreed, of course

“Personally, I would force you two to watch as Lottie here found her second chance mate. Fell in love and raised those pups without you.Astaroth announced, setting a fire under the simmering pot of Rage I was trying to control

There is no one else for me, just Kane and Knox.Charlotte declared with resolve that left no doubt in my mind she meant it. At this moment in time, she meant it


Chapter 139: Play Our Part

But, maybe she isn’t THAT pissed at you! OR petty!He added with a wink that only fueled the inferno inside me, but, as much as my anger burned bright, I couldn’t help but see the twisted logic in 

the demon’s words

How can you stand there and listen to this shit!Knox roared,* Charlotte’s eyes darting between us filled with unshed tears. I hated seeing them like this, but we needed to stop.burying our heads in the sand and face facts! Our union might not be what was for the best for Charlotte

The fated mate bond has brought us nothing but pain and suffering, Knox,I admitted with a sigh, feeling Charlotte tense in my arms. I leaned down and kissed her forehead, needing to reassure her that I loved her without question, but the bond itself was the issue. This bond keeps trying to tear us apart. Time and time again. Perhaps severing it is the only way to end this cycle of torment.I admitted with a sigh that wore heavy on my soul

No!Charlotte growled, shoving my chest to get away, but I held her tight, refusing to let her go

I don’t like it either,I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. But he’s right. It’s the only way to protect you, to keep you and our children safe from the dangers that come with being tied to us.” 

And you tied to me! A traitor’s daughter!Charlotte uttered, pain etched in her tone. I was about to reassure her, but Knox’s jaw 


Chapter 139: Play Our Part

tightened, his gaze flickering between me and the demon. I could see the conflict raging within him, torn between his love for Charlotte and the desperate need to keep her out of harm’s way

We can’t trust him,Knox finally said, his voice strained with emotion. He’ll doublecross us the moment it suits him.His words mirrored my own fears, the nagging doubt that chewed at the edges of my mind. But I failed to see what other choices we had.” 

Given the way Chase vibrated in Knox’s arms, my silence 

apparently said more than anything I could have said

There has to be a way!Knox snapped weakly

“There is, we sacrifice the pups or each other! Those are our choices, Knox! And I refuse to give up on my kid, or yours! And I refuse to let her go!I demanded, holding her to me tightly to prove my point. This way we MIGHT get to keep it all.” 

Might!Knox repeated with wide eyes. It’s a gamble!Charlotte’s eyes dropped to the floor then slowly lifted to Astaroth

“How sure are you that this will work?She asked, her lips wobbling in fear

This is insane, Kane, you are not listening to his shit are you?Knox growled angrily, his arms tightening around Chase

I will use my powers to fight any bond the Moon goddess tries 


Chapter 139: Play Our Part

to spark if it is indeed her plan to make you all suffer. That is easy enough. But you will have to let me stay close by, and you will have to play your part.” 

Kane!Knox seethed, my eyes snapping to my brothers in warning. How could he not see this was our only choice

Do you have a better plan, Knox?I asked, hating myself almost as much as I am sure Knox did me, right now. It is worth hearing him out.” I nodded to Astaroth, Knox’s eyes flared with rage before he walked off to lean up the far end of the cathedral, evidently needing to put space between us. I watched him carefully lay Chase down, so he could pace gently, no doubt trying to soothe Havoc

Play our part?I asked, my eyes narrowing back on Astaroth

Well, for one, the rejection has to be believable, as does the reason for her rejection.Looking down into Charlotte’s eyes, I saw the tears paint her lashes and knew she was as scared as I was

So, how are your acting skills?He smirked, my blood running cold as fear set in my bones. In this treacherous place, where alliances shifted like shadows in the night, trust seemed to be a fragile thing, easily shattered by the whims of demons. But there was more at stake than our bondSomething Knox seemed to be missing

Our pups!Rolo noted, for the first time in a while, letting his 


Chapter 139. Play 



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