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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 35

(Annabel POV)

My order finally arrived! Not that I had been waiting that long, but you know how it is when you order something, you want it to arrive immediately.

I've been cooped up in my art room for days. I had a deadline today at noon and I luckily met it in time. So now I could finally relax and have some fun.

I glanced at the screen of my phone. It was 1pm in the afternoon, so actually it was the perfect time to open my package and explore the content. Kaden would still be at his office for a good few hours. And since it was Friday today, he would probably do some extra hours, wrapping up loose ends.

I was really happy I decided to do my art full-time, now I chose my own hour and I worked from home. I was also just doing what I loved. Most of my time was spent on commissions. The deadline earlier today was for one of those. But I was also painting some pieces for myself, so I could do a solo exhibition one day. I still needed to add a lot of pieces and redo some of my old work, because I wasn't happy with it anymore.

I took some scissors and opened up the package very carefully. After digging through the layers of red tissue paper, I finally found my items and placed them on the table. Before me were cat ears, a choker and a tail. I'd been wanting to try pet play and found this little set online. I couldn't resist the temptation to buy it.

The cat ears were attached to a kind of headband, so they would stay put once you put them on. They were beautifully made with black lace pieces as decorations. I found myself studying them quite closely. The artist in me really appreciated these little details. The choker also was really interesting. It had a chain that came with it, so it also doubled as a collar.

Thinking about the fun I was going to have later, I started to get a little turned on already. Would Kaden be surprised if he would see me as a kitty? Would he let me see that soft dom side of him again, that only appears every once in a while? We never really discussed any of this, so I hoped he would also be into it. Our sex life had been a little slow lately and I missed being intimate. But tonight that would change.. I hoped, and if it didn't, I would talk to him about it. Like they say, communication is key.

The last item was the tabby tail. It had patches of black, grey and white. It was attached to a small buttplug. I got a little nervous looking at it. I'd never had a buttplug in me before, but there was no other way to attach the tail. It was weirdly thrilling that I was going to use it in a little bit. I liked trying out new things. You can't know you don't like it, if you've never tried it.

First, it was time for a nice and long shower, though. I moved the items from the table to the bedroom, so I could do my prep there after I showered. I took my time under the water, I made sure to massage my muscles. I'd been so cramped up, since I tended to work in really weird positions. But everything to get a good result, I suppose. I stepped out from under the water and wrapped a fluffy towel around my body. I didn't bother getting dressed and just walked into the bedroom like that.

My hair was only a little damp, because I had tried to blow-dry it. I put on the cat ears and inspected myself in the full length mirror that stood against the wall. It looked really cute. I followed that up with the choker, but didn't add the chain yet. It would just get in the way for now, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to try that today anyway.

I went over to my nightstand and opened the bottom drawer, to look for my lube. I might have been inexperienced with anal stuff, but I was smart enough to know how to use a lot of lubrication. I took the plug and covered it with a generous amount of lube. I made sure to cover the entire thing, just to be safe. At first, I tried to put it in, while still standing up. But I was having some difficulty like that. I couldn't hold it properly, since the attached tail made it a bit more unwieldy.

I went to get comfortable on the bed. That would make it easier, since I could maneuver a bit more laying down. I put the buttplug against my ass and slowly pushed it in. I kept going until it reached to base and it was completely in.

It was a little uncomfortable and felt invasive. But since it was a small one, it wasn't too bad. It didn't hurt or anything. Once I passed the widest part, it actually went in on its own. That kinda surprised me, I hadn't expected that.

I stood up and inspected myself in the mirror. The movement carried the plug along. I still wasn't sure how I felt about the sensation. Looking at the whole picture in the mirror, I had to admit it was quite erotic. I turned around to get a better look at the tail.

"Well, isn't this a sight to behold? I have to say, I wasn't expecting to see this at all," Kaden mused.

"Kaden? You're back earlier than I expected," I said while turning to face him, getting a little flushed.

He had a little smirk on his face. "I thought something was weird when I saw this chain on the table."

He approached me, but it wasn't his normal way of walking. It felt more like he was a predator approaching it's prey. He also had this gleam in his eyes I hadn't seen before. It made me feel like I was in danger. But on the other hand, it was also exceptionally thrilling.

I looked up at him, when he stood in front of me. He leaned down to kiss me. But instead of kissing me on the mouth, he pressed his lips against my cheek. I closed me eyes and just enjoyed the sensations. He didn't touch me anywhere else. The only thing I felt was his trail of kisses, leading to my neck. When he reached it, he bit down a little. It hurt a little bit, but the adrenaline rush I had, made it just feel kinda... good... I also just enjoyed a little pain with my pleasure.

I moaned softly and suddenly I heard a snap. I'd been too distracted to notice his wandering hands. While kissing me, he had attached the chain to my choker. He suddenly stood up straight again.

"What are you doing to me? If you keep on looking at me like that, I can't predict what will happen," he said, while pulling me towards the bed.

He sat down and reached over for a pillow and put it at his feet.

"Kaden, what's going on? I didn't think you'd react like this," I said kinda shyly.


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