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Unexpected Fiancée novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101: The Alleged Evidence

The room fell silent as a sudden voice drew everyone's attention to the entrance.

A woman, impeccably dressed in a well-ironed suit and heels, made her entrance. Her bouncy, curly blond hair added a touch of flamboyance to her stride.

Jane squinted at her; this must be Madeline, the newly appointed chief designer at Love Jewelry and the so-called creator of the Let Yourself Go series.

Madeline strode up to the stage with an air of authority. Snatching a microphone from one of the reporters, she declared, "It's ridiculous that Jane North here has accused Love Jewelry of plagiarism. We have never stolen or copied anyone's work, including that of the Pansy Group."

Her proclamation stirred up a commotion among the room's attendees. Reporters began buzzing with excitement. Press conferences were usually dull, so this unexpected drama was a welcome change.

Madeline wore a smug smile as she observed the growing chaos. To add fuel to the fire, she raised her voice even more, "Miss North, you claimed that the Ice and Fire series was completed a month ago and even brought two witnesses to attest to it, didn't you?"

Jane replied, folding her arms and maintaining a keen watch on the unfolding drama, "Yes, I did."

Madeline wore a smug grin as she continued, "In that case, it's clear you stole my design for Let Yourself Go!"

A bold young reporter chimed in, "Do you have any evidence to support your claim?"

Madeline sneered and replied, "I completed the design for Let Yourself Go two months ago. Since Pansy Group introduced the Ice and Fire series just a month ago, isn't it evident who the real plagiarist is?"

"But Let Yourself Go was only officially announced in the media two days ago. How can you prove that Pansy Group copied your work?" the reporter inquired further.

Madeline waved a magazine in her hand and asserted, "As I mentioned earlier, my design was published in a fashion magazine shortly after its completion. I recently signed a contract with Love Jewelry, and Let Yourself Go was materialized only two days ago."

Jane watched as Madeline and the reporter reinforced each other's claims. Her suspicions were confirmed: Love Jewelry had sent their minions to create chaos and undermine the success of the Pansy Group's new series. Madeline had come forward with so-called evidence to prove that Pansy Group had committed plagiarism.

Jane decided to let her bask in the attention for now. As all of this unfolded, Florence watched with a gleeful smile. Her original plan was meant to be set in motion during the evening's celebratory dinner. However, witnessing Jane's downfall during the press conference was an unexpected thrill.

Her most significant adversary was being humiliated at such a pivotal moment, and this was sure to bring significant trouble to the Pansy Group. Florence believed that Patrick wouldn't tolerate such a significant error. After all, he valued the business above all else. At the very least, he would fire Jane.

But Florence had an even more significant surprise for Jane up her sleeve. She was confident that she could eliminate her tonight. Florence chuckled as she watched the live drama unfold.

A reporter asked Madeline respectfully, "Could you show us this fashion magazine?"

"Of course!" Madeline replied with a smile. She opened the fashion magazine for everyone to see, which was titled "Storm."


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