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Unwanted Mate Of The Lycan Kings (by jessica hall) novel Chapter 15

Zirah POV

The wolf moves beneath me; he whines, nudging and licking the side of my neck, while the one laying across my lap with his head propped on my shoulder lifts his big head.

My eyes flutter open when it starts licking my face frantically like I am its favorite lollipop. Blinking and trying to wake up, I freeze, wondering if he is tenderizing my flesh with his tongue before he tries to eat me.

I push his head away, grabbing fistfuls of his fur and he whines loudly, and his tongue starts flicking faster, trying to lick my face, making me chuckle as he covers me in slobber and drool.

“Stop, it’s gross and you’re making me nervous,” I tell the huge white wolf who had managed to lick most of the blood off his fur coat, I am grateful he has but also slightly disturbed, hoping the leftovers caking its fur were enough to tide him over and that he isn’t looking for breakfast. The wolf cocks its head to the side, its big red inquisitive eyes watching me as if it understands the words I speak.

The wolf beside me reeks of blood when the one behind me sits up abruptly, making me fall backward from the one on top weight crushes me. The big one snaps at his brother, who yaps and yawns, sniffing my face and nudging me to get up. Groaning, I grab the side of the wolf on top, pulling myself to a sitting position.

Right now, they seem calm as they continue to sniff and move around me.

“What is it? Was I not tasty enough for you to eat? Is that why you didn’t kill me?” I ask the big one who sits watching me. The smaller one nudges my face with its wet nose. With the three monster wolves like this, I can’t believe they are the ones responsible for killing everyone that entered the maze. Right now, they seem like oversized puppies that had a bloodbath, well except the big one that had a tongue bath during the night.

Looking around, I am still in the maze. Some part of me hoped I dreamed of the torturous night we all endured, that maybe I would wake up on my boulder bed next to granny crushing her herbs on the rocks, or choking me out with sage and lavender that she used to burn every morning.

Those things I hated waking up to. Now, I would do anything just to hear the clanging of her smashing herbs with rocks, or to wake up to her chants that annoyed me to no end and always disrupted my blissful sleep.

Instead, I wake to three gigantic wolves who, for some reason, decided I wasn’t a worthy midnight snack, while trapped in a maze that was designed for no one to escape. Sighing, I try to get up only for the littlest wolf, which is by no means actually small, to crawl into my lap, wanting me to rub its belly. Sighing, I give him a scratch only for the wolf to tense.

Yet when I hear a loud whistle followed by two more. The wolves grow anxious, and I peer up at the sky to see the sun beaming down at me. It must be around 10 am, meaning I got little in the way of sleep, considering the sun was beginning to rise when I fell asleep. My lack of sleep, however, appears to be the least of my worries.


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