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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 109

Chapter 109 Cordelia Is Proud 

Cordelia was stunned. She wondered, “Why did I straddle his legs?” 

“Is this comfortable?” Elijah asked with concern. 

Cordelia answered, “It… is comfortable.” 

Cordelia’s pretty face was flushed, but she still rubbed his shoulder for him professionally and seriously until all the medicinal ointment in her hand was absorbed by his skin. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and stopped. 

Cordelia said, “You move a little. Slow down, and see if it gets better.” 

Elijah moved slightly and found that he didn’t feel anything uncomfortable, so he moved drastically. 

“How is it? Is it not hurting anymore?” Cordelia asked. 

Suddenly, the man hooked her neck and kissed her again. “Miss Carter, you are really amazing!” 

“It is not amazing at all, Okay?” Cordelia disapproved with pride and confidence hidden in her eyes. 

“I think I can hug you again,” Elijah whispered in her car. 

“No, you can’t lift heavy objects with your right arm for a week, and don’t do large-scale exercises. Be obedient!” Cordelia ordered him seriously with a stern face. 

“Okay.” Elijah had no choice but to rest his chin on her thin shoulders, sniffing the fragrance of her hair, and murmured, “I really bumped into the wall accidentally.” 

Cordelia knew that men like maintaining their self-esteem, so she rubbed his hair and said, “Be careful next time.” 

Elijah smiled softly, looking in a good mood. 

The next day, under the excuse of being injured, Elijah asked for leave to work at home. 

Cordelia didn’t wake up until after 10 o’clock. 

It was when she went downstairs to eat breakfast that Nora said that Elijah didn’t go to the company. 

Sure enough, the man came down from upstairs after a while. 

He went straight to Cordelia, leaned over, and whispered in her ear, “Baby, didn’t I bully you last night? Why are you up so late? Haven’t you worked recently?” 

After being asked three questions by Elijah, Cordelia felt a little 


She always felt that this man seemed to have noticed something. 

He was a person who didn’t like to talk about his thoughts. He kept everything in his heart. Only as he was in a good mood would he say a few more words. 

“Okay,” Elijah straightened up. Instead of being angry or impatient because of her silence, he said, “Let’s talk tonight. Okay?” 

“Okay.” Cordelia nodded obediently. 

The man patted her head and went back to work in the den. 


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