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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Let It Rot!

Seeing Cordelia's maintaining cold face from the beginning to the end, Elijah felt his patience had reached its limit.

"Take a rest. I'm going out."

"After coaxing me, are you going over to coax her again? You are so busy." Cordelia said lightly.

Elijah paused and explained, "I am going to the company and still have something to do."


"Cordelia!" Elijah stood at the bedroom door and said, "Just now at the door, I have already made it very clear to Eva. And there is no need for me to coax her."

Cordelia nodded. "Then hurry up!"

Elijah stared at her but couldn't wait for Cordelia's eyes. He gritted his teeth, turned and left.

Closing her eyes, Cordelia was still unable to calm down.

She also thought about giving Elijah some trust, but she was unwilling because this man had never given her any trust.

She was very uncomfortable now and didn't have the energy to think about those shitty things anymore. She just wanted time to pass quickly so that her morning sickness could end as soon as possible.

Three days later, Imogen and Lamia settled down in Tarssa City and made a video call to Cordelia.

"Are you two together?"

Cordelia felt uncomfortable when she woke up today, and she looked not very energetic and sick.

"Yes, Cordelia, you introduced me to a treasure assistant. Lamia is a very thoughtful girl, and she inspired me for short video creation," Imogen said happily.

"I'm flattered." Lamia looked happy after being recognized.

Cordelia smiled and said, "Are you still used to it in Tarssa City? Has Lamia seen Jacob? Imogen, has Ben harassed you recently?"

Imogen smiled wryly.

Lamia said neatly, "We are all fine. Yesterday, I was having dinner with Jacob, but Ben came..."

Cordelia was filled with indignation. "Sure enough, you still can't escape this scumbag!"


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