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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 340

Chapter 340 Will You Leave Me?

Cordelia's tears welled up in her eyes, but she managed to control her emotions.

She had shed too many tears these past few days with the Hansen family.

Clearly, this family hadn't left her with any pleasant memories. It shouldn't be like this!

It was all because of the man she was currently with!

He was truly despicable!

"Cordelia, will you leave me?" Elijah whispered softly.

Cordelia gently pushed him away a bit and sighed, "Who can predict the future?"

She knew that Elijah really wanted to hear her promise.

A promise that she would never leave him.

Even if it was just to comfort him...

But she didn't want to give Elijah any promises. She had little confidence that their feeble relationship would last forever.

She didn't want to deceive him.

Such a woman wasn't cute at all, was she?

"Thank you." Elijah suddenly smiled. That smile tinged with bitterness. "At least you're here with me now, setting aside the past, enduring these painful moments together. Thank you, Cordie."

"Elijah, people can't dwell in the past forever. Whether it's pain or happiness, we must look forward," Cordelia reassured him, gently stroking his face.

Words of comfort were always easy to say but difficult to follow through with.

Elijah didn't say anything more. He just held her tightly, unwilling to let go.

If he could, he never wanted to let go...

When Mia invited Cordelia to have dinner, Elijah happened to be nearby.

Upon hearing Cordelia accept the invitation, Elijah tugged at her sleeve, silently indicating that he wanted to come along.

Cordelia shook her head, declining his request.

At the last time Elijah met Mia, Cordelia introduced him as her boyfriend.


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