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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 1674

Chapter 1674: Running Out of Time

The kiss ended, narrowly avoiding going too far.

Luckily, they were in the living room, so Luther didn't act recklessly.

He held her waist, breathing heavily, his breath spraying on her neck, causing her whole body to heat up.

Joyce pushed him away, "Control yourself, okay?"

Luther kissed her red lips again, "I'm already controlling myself, my dear wife."

"No more kissing. This is the living room. What if Darrin comes in later and sees us? It's not good." Joyce looked displeased. She didn't even want to mention Mr. Arnold. Mr. Arnold had already seen them, but he wisely left.

She felt that her face was getting thicker and thicker. She used to feel embarrassed about it.

Being caught by Mr. Arnold so often, she had become numb to it.

Luther raised his head, his handsome face filled with resentment. He had forgotten that there was still Darrin as a third wheel who could come in at any time. It was really annoying.

But then he thought, Joyce currently needed protection.

So he moved Joyce aside, "When you go out or work, take him with you. Let him protect you at all times. That way, I can feel at ease."

Joyce looked at him suspiciously. Had this man changed? He wasn't jealous at all? It was rare.

Luther saw the doubt in her eyes and quickly explained, "After experiencing so many things before, I always felt uneasy. Now that I think about it, Dashuai was right to assign a trusted person to protect you. It's necessary. If it were me, I would do the same."

Joyce stood up, "There's no need for so much danger. It's a peaceful era now."

She poured herself a glass of water and took a few sips. Suddenly, she remembered something and quickly said, "Wait for me. I have something for you. These past few days, you've been coming back late, and I almost forgot."

Luther replied, "Okay."

After a moment, Joyce took out a box from the study and returned to the living room. She handed the box to Luther, saying, "I prepared this for you."

Luther glanced at the box, "What is this?"

"Open it first," Joyce said mysteriously.

Luther took the box and lifted the lid. Inside the box was a cylindrical mini metal rod, to be precise, slightly longer and thicker than a cigarette.

"A mini flashlight?" he asked. He couldn't tell what it was at first glance. It was made of pure silver metal, seamless throughout.

"Why would I give you something as simple as a flashlight?" Joyce said disdainfully. "What I've given you is the most advanced cutting-edge technology."

Luther raised an eyebrow and played with her long hair, calmly looking at her. "So what is it exactly? My dear wife."

"There are two devices inside. The wider end can generate a strong electric current in a short period of time. You only need to touch the other person with this metal rod, and they will instantly fall to the ground," Joyce gestured to Luther. "See, it can be used for self-defense."

"Hmm, I probably won't need it," Luther curled his lips into a faint smile. "When we're up close, I can just knock them down directly. How little faith do you have in my combat skills?"

Joyce glared at him playfully, "You can never be too careful. It's better to have something than nothing."

"Understood," Luther said while playing with her hair. "The other end, I suppose, is the advanced feature you want to introduce."


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