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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 181

Everyone was intimidated by Stella's gaze, not to mention the weapon she had in her hand. They could only watch helplessly as the car drove away.

At the security booth at the foot of the mountain, there were no longer security personnel in uniforms.

The sea waves continued to roar, occasionally crashing against the shore, their frothy tails washing onto the highway, splashing water on the car windows.

On the highway, the occasional survivors could be seen, their possessions washed away, limping painfully with the aid of tree branches. They were like walking corpses, devoid of any life.

There was a young girl of about twelve standing barefoot by the side of the road. As the hummer drove past her, Stella noticed the horrific injuries on her feet, her eyes swollen, and blood was still trickling from her forehead.

She was so young. She should have been here with her family, trying to make a living by the sea. But the tsunami had taken them away, leaving her all alone.

Stella's heart skipped a beat and she instinctively turned her head to look back. But the girl was gone, leaving only the relentless roar of the sea waves.

Perhaps, life and death had different meanings for everyone.

After about 20 minutes of driving, they reached the checkpoint they had passed earlier.

There were more survivors now, and even makeshift medical stations set up with soldiers distributing relief food. This area was higher in altitude and had been converted into a rescue point.

There were hundreds of survivors lingering there, all looking lost and desolate. Some were reluctant to leave, hoping to return to the coast once the waves receded, while others were lost about their future, unsure whether to head to the next coastal area or return to the city to await their fate.

Jasper parked the car. "They should all belong to the same unit. Should we leave him here?"

After the fever had subsided, the soldier was in a much better state. With proper rest, he should be able to survive.

Stella took out a box of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and three fever pills, along with some rice, and packed them all into a black bag. This was all she could give. Whether he could survive or not was up to him.

Jasper got out of the car and waved to a soldier nearby.

A moment later, the soldier walked over. Jasper quickly explained the situation, while Stella reminded, "He needs to rest and eat nutritious food. Make sure his wounds stay dry."

She then handed over the bag. "Here are some medicines. They're a token of our goodwill. We hope they'll be of use."

Seeing his unconscious comrade in the car, the soldier's eyes turned teary. He saluted Jasper and Stella. "Thank you."

Jasper was moved. "Take care of yourselves. Only by doing so can you save more people."

The soldier picked up his comrade, took the medicine and food Stella had given, and walked into a tent in the distance.

Their hummer was too conspicuous and attracted many curious glances, so they quickly drove away.

Along the way, they encountered many refugees walking back to Griffith. They carried their belongings and hopes for survival. Now, not only were their possessions swallowed by the tsunami, but they had also lost their loved ones.

Stella retracted her gaze and sat in the passenger seat, lost in thought.

After about ten minutes, the car slowed down. Jasper said, "Stella, get some toll ready."

Stella came back to her senses, her eyes instantly darkening.

This was not the same group that had demanded protection fee last time. Without a doubt, this was another group of thugs exploiting the survivors.

This place felt familiar. It was probably where Jasper had hit the scammer last time. They didn't play the scam game anymore. Instead, they blatantly set up a checkpoint to collect protection grain.

Small cars had to pay a toll of 20 pounds of food. Stella swallowed her anger and was about to get the potatoes when one of them arrogantly demanded, "10 pounds of grain and 10 pounds of meat."


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