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18 Floors Above the Apocalypse novel Chapter 269

Bran was dazed from the impact, and the scolding from his own father made it even more painful. “Dad, I just wanted to test them a bit,” he complained.

“Test?” Shane nearly whacked him with his cane. “You're testing your own life!”

Despite his anger, Shane couldn't ignore how audaciously the residents of building 50 had behaved, ramming the Porras family's Maybach several times, even bringing out explosives and grenades.

What, they thought the Porras family were play-dough, to be messed with however they wanted? Furious, Shane called upon the butler to bring over the chief of police. Such people were too dangerous to be left in the community.

“Dad, let me handle this. Don't call the police.”

“You handle it, my foot!” Shane, exasperated, gave him a whack with his cane. “Haven't you caused enough trouble? One of these days, you won't even know how you died!”

If Bran weren't his own blood, Shane would have kicked him out long ago.

With the standing of the Porras family, Evan, the police chief, was quickly called over. Before entering the Porras residence, he first inspected the damaged Maybach, and listened to eyewitness accounts; whether they were security guards or rich onlookers, their testimonies were surprisingly consistent.

The residents of building 50 were a nest of extremists. They had explosives, grenades, could disarm people barehanded, fought twenty with just three of them, and would slap someone at the slightest provocation. It did sound very violent.

Once inside the Porras residence, Evan asked Bran, “Mr. Bran, could you tell me what happened?”

Bran was astonished at how big the incident had become. He was indeed interested in building 50, but couldn't find a suitable reason to approach. So he went for a bit extreme method. But he never expected Stella’s reaction would be even more extreme.

“Actually, my car isn't damaged.” After much deliberation, he finally told the truth.

Shane's expression instantly changed.

Evan knew Bran well. The son of the richest man in Griffith, a notorious troublemaker. If he weren't wearing his uniform, he would have said, "Finally, someone who can handle him." This kind of people really had it coming.

Evan was curious about the residents of building 50. They challenged the entire community single-handedly, blatantly displaying dangerous items, and didn't give the Porras family a chance to maintain their image.


The residents of building 50 hadn't returned yet. Evan asked, “Do you have their photos?”

Of course, there were records in the security room. Evan stared intently at the photos. They looked so familiar. “Do they have a massive, handsome German Shepherd?”

“Yes, they do have a dog. It almost killed someone's alpaca a while ago.”

As Evan staring blankly at the photo, not reacting for quite a while, Shane felt something was amiss.“Evan, is there something wrong with these people?”

There was definitely a problem, but how to say it? Evan mulled it over in his mind.

Their first meeting was at the public trial. The second meeting was at Silver Asylum, where they left him quite a few gifts.

Although he didn't see them personally, according to the survivors' testimonies, a dog that can carry explosives and climb trees, he couldn't think of a second one.

The third meeting, Mark hid it well, but not everyone in the neighbourhood had his calm demeanor. Evan didn't even need to ask, knowing there was a dog was enough.

Now, they had come to Hopefield.


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