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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

Chloe winked at Jordan

Jordan understood and walked over to open the door

President Thorp! President Thorp!” 

Michal Geo, the vicepresident Geo who had done something yesterday, rushed in from outside the door. He was so fast that Jordan couldn’t stop him

Chloe’s expression turned cold as she watched Michal throw himself at her desk

Mr. Geo, why are you still here? I have already approved your resignation procedures. You can just look for another job.” 

President Thorp! You can’t do this to me! I have been working for this hotel for almost twenty years!” 

For the sake of the hotel, I have racked my brains and put in all my effort to the point of being sick. Even Director Thorp can’t easily fire me. How can you fire me like this?Michal was sweating and shouting with a red face

I have seen the information of all the higherups in the hotel. You are indeed sick, with diabetes, fatty liver, etc. It seems that you have drink a lot of fat from the hotel.” Chloe’s cold and elegant lips raised, and her sneer made people shudder

Michal heard the sarcasm in her words and trembled in fear. I really don’t know about the matter of Ailey selling to our hotel inferior bed products! In the past three years, Ailey has been working with us, and the price is also suitable. It is a wellknown brand in Medo, so I… 

Before his voice fell, he heard a bang – 

Chloe waved her delicate hand and threw a document at Michal’s feet

This is all the accounts that have been exchanged with Ailey in the past three years. Can’t you tell that you are in charge of the financial report that is full of loopholes?” 

Michal picked up the document fearfully and flipped through it. A few pages of paper were like burning charcoal in his hands

And I also received an anonymous report here.” 

Chloe picked up her coffee cup and took a leisurely sip. Her beautiful 


A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

eyes flashed with a cold light. Someone reported that you and Ailey have a close relationship. You took a huge amount of money from them and bought Ailey’s inferior bed products in bulk.” 

Michal was so scared that his teeth trembled and he was about to lose his 


If I don’t have any evidence, I definitely won’t fire anyone for no reason. But I have evidence in my hands, so I won’t let anyone off easily. If Mr. Geo still has any objections, we can solve this matter through legal means.” 

President Thorp, I was wrong! I was wrong! Pleaseplease give me a way out! If this matter were to spread out, I won’t be able to establish myself in the entire Medo!” 

Michal was scared out of his wits and begged, almost kneeling down to Chloe, Back then, it was Ailey who took the initiative to find me and said that they would give me a way to make a fortune! All the ideas were given by Boss Brown!” 

I thought that the bed mats were almost the same, so I didn’t think too much about it and fell for him!” 

Chloe laughed

A vice president who had been in the hotel industry for twenty years began to pretend to be stupid and stunned in order to protect himself

Well, Mr. Geo, you know best what exactly happened. If you have time to talk nonsense with me, it is better to go back and send a few more resumes. Secretary Stewart, see the guest out!” 

Michal was defeated and kicked out by Jordan like a stray dog

Outside the office, Michal immediately changed his face and spat fiercely. Little bitch! Just wait and see! I won’t let this go!” 

Although Chloe was forgiving, she was still full of resentment because of this hotel’s corruption

This Michal seems to be notorious in the hotel. If you want to target him, he will immediately be reported!Jordan was excited to have got his 


No one reported him.” 

What? Are youtricking him?” 


A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

Chloe replied casually. She opened the game and was ready to vent her anger on the butcher. If you don’t do anything wrong, you won’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door. In the end, before the ghost could find him, I beat him a few times and he confessed everything.” 

Jordan couldn’t help but applaud the young lady. This person was too playful. Michal and Ailey have worked together for three years. It seems that he has been quite greedy. I really should expose him to the end and let him spit out everything he got from the hotel!” 

As a person, don’t burn your bridges. If I do too well, the other higherups in the hotel might have a rebellious mentality and might shoot me in the back. Moreover, Michal was once promoted by Stefan. I don’t want to slap my father’s face too much.” 

During this period of time, send someone to keep an eye on Michal. If he has any contact with Grace’s brother again, report to me immediately.Yes! Miss!” 

At this moment, Chloe’s mobile phone kept ringing, and a group exploded

Jordan! I don’t have time right now. Help me see who sent it.Chloe concentrated on playing the game

Ah, it’s a group called Thorp family Security Bureau. The young masters sent you à message.” 

This group was built by her second brother, Riley. There were Chloe and her four biological brothers inside. The reason why it was called the Security Bureau was to keep a secret about her marriage with Joseph. It could not be leaked

Chloe was shocked. She couldn’t care less about the game and quickly grabbed the phone

After all, Jordan still didn’t know that she was married and divorced. The fewer people who knew about this, the better. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble if it spread to Stefan

Riley exclaimed, I can’t take it any longer! Is Joseph murdering people? He’s gone too far!” 

Third brother said I have been checking if Sawle Group has any underground background recently and strive to make Sawle Group bankrupt within a month.” 

Fourth Brother: I will try to break the tendons in Joseph’s hands and feet 


A BillionRich Woman Was Chased by Her ExHusband 

within a week.” 

Oscar: Amen.” 

Chloe: Stop! My dear brothers, what happened?” 

A few seconds later, Riley threw over a Twitter link

Riley: Joseph has already announced the news of the marriage. Not only that, there is also a marketing account that revealed that you were a mistress. They said that you took over the love and cooked rice and forced Joseph to accept you, causing them to live apart!” 

Fourth Brother: Heh, live apart? Do you want me to let them try dying apart?” 

Oscar: Fourth Brother, don’t feel injustice for the evil, and don’t feel jealous of the evil. Because they are like grass that is about to be cut off, and like vegetables that are about to wither and dry.” 

Oscar: When you stop your anger and abandon your anger, don’t feel injustice and commit evil.” 

Riley: Big brother, don’t say anymore. If you keep talking, there will be a halo above your head.” 

Fourth brother: Chloe, in half an hour, I will delete all the news that is not good for you. The hot search of Joseph’s marriage will also be removed.” 

Chloe: No, fourth brother.” 

Let the storm come more violently.” 

Riley sent a question mark emoji

Chloe: Because it has nothing to do with me. Joseph’s exwife is Raya, and I am Thorp family’s eldest daughter, Chloe.” 

Riley: Yes! You have never shown yourself with Joseph in public in the past three years, and no one has ever seen you. It is impossible for anyone to search you. This matter can not affect you at all!” 

Chloe: But a certain woman who does not know what is good for her will have a headache because of this.” 

The young lady’s red lips curled up coldly


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