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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 

Everyone was shocked as they looked at the pale-faced Willow! 

Everyone knew that if the police did not have conclusive evidence, they would not have mobilized so many people to capture her. 

Therefore, it was basically solid for Willow to hire a murderer!] 

Looking at the cold handcuffs on her wrist, Willow’s ears buzzed, and her vision turned dark as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was sinking. 

What happened? How could it be like this? 

She had entrusted the person who had killed the illegitimate daughter to be reliable. She had also given her money in place. Furthermore, all of this had not happened within the country. How could it have happened out of the blue? How could it have been found out 

“Willow! Willow!” 

Seeing that his wife had been taken away by the police, Chairman Brown was frightened to death. He hurriedly shouted and wanted to chase after her to stop her. However, before he could take two steps, he covered his chest with a painful expression. His eyes turned black and he fell backward. 

“Quick! Call the ambulance!” Jake was shocked and quickly ordered someone to drag the unconscious Chairman Brown down 

Vincent was completely dumbfounded and could not help but exclaim, “Brother! Your ex-mother-in-law is suspected of being caught for killing! This is the biggest gossip tonight!” 

Joseph watched all of this with an expressionless face. He looked on coldly and had no intention of helping Brown Group. 

“A life for a life is only natural.” 

Under everyone’s eyes, Willow was dragged away by the police in a sorry state. 

When she passed by Grace, she glanced at her daughter with tears in her eyes. 

And it was this one glance that almost made Grace collapse. 

“Don’t take my mother away! She didn’t kill anyone! Mom!” 

Grace cried and shouted, but just as she ran two steps, she heard a crash – 

Then she suddenly felt a chill on her body, and the surroundings instantly exclaimed! 

The high-end dress that she had stuck to her body with tape had lost its stickiness because of the sweat. The entire shoulder-length dress had slipped all the way down. Her body, which was only wearing a bra and underwear, was exposed in front of everyone without any dignity! 

“Ah!” Grace was so scared that she curled up her body and covered her chest with her arms. She was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to diet 

Aubree looked at this scene that was powerless to reverse the site and gnashed her teeth with hatred. She was extremely 

regretful that she had organized this embarrassing birthday banquet for this woman. 

As for Skyler, she hid in a corner, drinking red wine and watching the fun. Seeing that the slut had been ruined, she was ecstatic and the smile on her face never stopped. 

Around her, there were already malicious men who took out their phones and secretly took pictures. 

“Tsk tsk… This flat figure is really nothing. Brother, you Joseph lazily, her phoenix eyes full of mockery. 

split with her. This 

“Ve is not a loss. Vincent rested his elbow on 

Joseph only felt that the decades of friendship in the past had become an absurd joke. 

His starry-eyes were lowered, and his eyes were completely barren. He turned around and left resolutely. 

Grace felt a suffocating sense of despair come over. She stood up and chased after him. “Brother Joseph!” 

In the end, she forgot that she was naked and her entire body was completely exposed! 

“Ah! Look at Grace’s stomach! What are those densely packed lines?” 

“They look like gestational lines!” 

“It’s pregnancy lines) I have given birth to two, how can I not recognize them?” 

“Oh my god! She even has a child, but she still pretends to be a pure and innocent girl. This woman is really disgusting!” 

“Mr. Sawle is so miserable. He almost took a rotten plate, Fortunately, he will be safe when he goes back!” 


It was over. 

Everything that had happened in her dream of the president’s wife had all gone to waste and turned into ashes. 

In the corridor, Joseph’s eyes were gloomy, and his steps were sluggish as he walked forward. 

Vincent silently stood side by side with him, wanting to say something several times. His lips opened and closed, but he hesitated to speak. 

“Do you think that I am miserable, stupid, and ridiculous?” Joseph’s voice was so hoarse that it seemed as if he had been burned by a raging fire, and his thin lips revealed a trace of a broken bitter smile. 

Vincent shook his head seriously. That’s not it. Joseph, I am your only friend, the best brother. No matter what happens, I will not laugh at you. 

I just feel that it’s a pity. 


Joseph closed his bloodshot eyes and tore apart all the scenes related to Grace in his mind, leaving nothing behind. 

“There’s nothing to pity about. I was blind and couldn’t recognize people. I deserved it.” 

“No, not this.” 

“It was the three years that Chloe married you. If not for that woman, you might have loved each other.” 

“You were supposed to be happy, and not so hostile. Am I right?” 

It was possible, happiness. 

Joseph suddenly stopped in his tracks, and his dark eyes went blank. 

“Joseph, can we… not divorce?” 

“Because… I love you.” 

With a buzzing sound, a burst of ear-piercing ringing came. He was in great pain. He hurriedly supported himself against the wall. His five fingers trembled and curled into a list. A drowning sense of suffocation rushed into his throat. His chest burst out with a collapsing pain. 

At that time, Chloe cried and begged him not to divorce. He thought that it was just a last-ditch struggle for her to keep this marriage. He dismissed her as a cage and only wanted to escape. 

Only now did he realize. 

Chloe never wanted to tie him up. The last time she said love to him was to bet all her dignity on him and hope to continue the love. 

She knew that he had never loved her. 

So she tried her best to keep him because she was afraid that after divorce, she would not even have the qualifications to love him. 

“I think that girl is already three or four years old. It means that when Grace was with Nialzuct, she had fooled around with 

that man.” 

“But if I remember correctly, at that time, she was still hanging you and pestering you. She gave you a feeling that she had always loved you deeply. In order to wait for you to be lost in a foreign country, she was willing to compromise. In fact, she was really not idle at all when she was carrying you.” 


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