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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 188

Chapter 188 

“Mom! What did I say? I stated that the connection between them is not straightforward! Annie just wants to mess up my great thing!” 

Skyler saw that Vincent had transformed Annie’s dress into a luxurious red evening gown. Despite the fact that Annie’s face remained cold and bare of makeup, she still radiated. Jealousy and rage burned in her heart. 

What made it even more hateful was that the color of her dress matched Vincent’s – they were both wine-red, like a couple! 

Standing side by side in the dazzling light, like a newlywed couple, they became the focus of the audience. 

Skyler felt that the purple dress she was wearing had become a huge irony. 

Red and purple, it was all just a pile of shit in the end! 

“Annie was birthed from my womb. I’m well aware of her character!” 

Aubree’s thoughts were not as superficial as Skyler’s, but more profound. “Although Annie is twenty-two years old, her thoughts and behavior are like that of a young preteen. She hasn’t even begun to comprehend love, let alone possess the courage to take a man away from you?” 

Upon hearing this, Skyler’s anger abated somewhat, yet she remained livid. 


my estimation, this situation is far more complex than you realize. Vincent was aloof towards you before. After Rory’s birthday celebration, he now believes that you are scheming against him. It’s possible that he has already started to harbor ill feelings towards you.” 

“He’s aware that Annie is your sister, and he deliberately sought her out. Perhaps it’s to distract you, so he’s trying to provoke you.” 

“What… what…” 

Hearing this, Skyler’s eyes grew dim. “So, what do we do now? Mom… Is there no chance I can still marry Young Master Anderson?” 

“Right now, there’s no need to be worried. Not only do you need to collaborate with Zoey and let her assist you in creating a chance to get closer to Vincent, but you must also alter your demeanor and stay composed.” 

“Since Vincent is kind to Annie, then you must show him more respect, alter Vincent’s opinion of you, and let him witness your lovely and benevolent side. Do you understand me?,” Aubree said in a somber tone, devising a plan for her daughter. 

“I heard it…” Skyler could only respond in a hushed tone. 

Annie’s eyes were wide with excitement as she searched the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of her idol, Ada Wang. 

When her gaze stopped on the stage and saw Zoey playing the piano, her pupils suddenly contracted and her little face instantly drained of color, gradually withering like withered flower petals. 

A pair of slender legs trembled violently beneath the red dress. 

When she was young, countless painful memories flooded in from all directions like a ravenous beast, devouring her desperately. 

“Hahaha… Who would be pals with someone as foolish as you? What on earth were you thinking?!” 

“Chuck her in the trash can! That’s where the 


“Hurry up and chop off her locks! I can’t. 

that there 

are girls in the school with better hair than me!” 

“It’s no surprise that Director Sawle and Madam Sawle don’t have any fondness for you. Your sister also despises you. Someone as foolish as you is not worthy of being a daughter of the Sawle Group. You bring disgrace to the entire Sawle Group!” 

She was a disgraceful sight! 

Focused on playing the piano, Zoey was oblivious to the gaze of fear and hatred emanating from below the stage, filled with blood. 

Annie hugged the bear tightly, her eyes red, a cold sweat sliding down her forehead as she retreated. 

Vincent suddenly grabbed her arm. 

“Sis of vegetable flower, what’s the matter? Are you feeling regretful? Didn’t you say you wanted to go see Ada Wang for an autograph? Come on, Brother Anderson will take you to see her.” 

Annie, unexpectedly, shook off her hand and, without looking back, ran out of the door. 

“Sister of vegetable flower! Where are you headed?!” 

Vincent was stunned and panicked, fearing danger if she ran out at night, so he followed her. 


Skyler, upon seeing this, was so enraged that she felt as if she were about to be born anew. 

Although Aubree managed to calm her down, she still despised this fool when she saw that Vincent was deeply concerned about Annie; she could no longer tolerate it. 

Annie’s fear-filled mind drove her to desperately ru dashed across the road. 

out of the hotel, tears streaming from her eyes as she frantically 

Although she really wanted to see Ada Wang, she had nonetheless locked herself in her room to watch movies on countless lonely nights. 

Ada’s performance in the action movie was something that she really enjoyed. She portrayed a super policewoman who could do anything, balancing justice and punishing evil, stirring her heart and boiling her blood as if she had achieved a great ambition. 

Upon seeing Zoey, all she wanted to do was flee, as far away as possible. 

No one loved her, a burden to all, and she was so fragile that even the slightest blow would break her. 

Cursing and mocking were like evil spirits from hell, maliciously chasing after Annie. 

Beep, beep, beep -! 

The rapid car’s sound pierced the air. 

A dazzling big light struck her not far away. 

She abruptly swiveled her head, her face paling in the light! 

Yet, there she stood, rooted to the spot, unable to move. 

Annie, in panic, tightly held the bear and closed her eyes as the speeding truck was too late to step on the brakes. 

“Annie! Be careful!” 

At the critical juncture, Vincent, who had been trailing her, clenched his teeth and dashed forward. In the nick of time, he embraced the girl’s slender and delicate body firmly in his arms. 

Just as she safeguarded the little bear with all her heart and soul, he too protected her with the same intensity. 

Vincent then spun-in the air, transforming into a human cushion, and the two of them crashed to the ground with a thud. 

As his shoulder brushed against the roadside stone, the man let out a muffled groan of pain from deep in his throat, his suit soaked in sweat. 

In order to avoid a collision, the truck driver forcefully turned around and ended up crashing into a flower bed on the side of the road; fortunately, the driver was unharmed. 

Vincent, in pain throughout his body, temporarily released Annie. 

He never even considered it. 

This heartless little thing scurried away from his arms like a wisp of smoke! 

“Hey! Hey there, Little Flower! Come back here and lend me a hand!” 

Vincent was in such agony that he couldn’t even stand. His rage was so intense that he felt like he could vomit blood! 

Tonight’s banquet was widely publicized, and the start was the focus of attention; however, the outcome was a rushed conclusion. 

Vincent, fearing his sister and mother would be distressed by the car accident, requested the secretary to keep it confidential. 


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