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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209 

The bright red light and shadow swept repeatedly across the two figures. 

Annie’s slender, fragile frame trembled slightly in Vincent’s embrace. She didn’t do anything, her innocent demeanor simply too alluring for Vincent to resist, despite having broken the rules in that moment. 

Consequently, emboldened by the wine, he became even more presumptuous. 

Annie’s gaze suddenly wavered, and then the tall, upright figure of the man loomed over her. 

Her petite frame sunk deeply into the sofa, as if a canary whose wings were unable to take flight. 

Vincent’s breathing quickened as his aggressive lips stayed firmly on her, enveloping her, drawing her in… 

The female singer on the stage sang softly, her sexy voice filling the room at that moment. 

“I always wish to view the world through your eyes.” 

“To find the most primitive wildness…” 

“Unexpectedly, in the end, they broke into 

“… a whole forest..” 

“… the tranquility of the forest.” 

Annie’s head was spinning from Vincent’s kiss, and her eyes were teary. 


She was short of breath, twisting her waist under the man as she struggled. 

A fire surged up from Vincent’s abdomen, his eyes blazing red with a hunger that had been pent up for days, like a beast that had 

gone without food for far too long. 

Even though he was inebriated, his mind remained tense due to her being his best brother’s younger sister. 

A friend’s wife could not be intimidated, and a friend and a sister could not be taken advantage of! 

Just before he could no longer contain himself, he reluctantly departed from the cozy spot, and a thin stream of crystal-clear water lingered between their lips. 

“You… you…” Annie’s gaze drifted away, unable to formulate her thoughts or utter a word.. 

This kiss had inebriated her; who could comprehend?! 

“I want to ascertain if your scientific theory is accurate.” 

“Haven’t you claimed that women are innately lascivious?” Vincent squinted his inebriated eyes and wiped away the droplets 

from her mouth. 

“You intimidate me… you intimidate…” 

“What about you? Have you confirmed it? Do you reckon I’m made of mud or water?” 

Annie felt so sleepy that she couldn’t keep her eyes open. 

Vincent kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear, “Go to sleep. We’ll figure out the answer tomorrow.” 

Annie, having fought and danced a few minutes ago, was now in a daze, on the brink of sleep. 

She faintly heard a delightful melody lingering in her cars. 

“Your breath…” 

“… blue velvet wrapped around her body…” 

and the hum of the ocean…” 

“… I will never wake up… 


… hide in your body.” 


Zoey, in a fit of anger, kicked open the door of the private room. 

The young masters in the private room were so scared that their faces paled, and the women screamed, hurrying into their 


men’s arms. 

“Who in the world are you?” “Young Master Karl pointed at Zoey’s nose at 

and asked. 

Vincent shielded his sister so much that when besides, she went abroad when she was young, so only few people knew her. 

Zoey’s resentment was heavier than a ghost’s, and her fury was palpable. grabbed an empty bottle, and hurled it at the young master’s head! 

Without a word, she marched to the coffee table, 


The women screamed in shock as the wine bottle shattered into pieces, leaving the men dumbfounded. 

“I’m your mother!” Zoey glared at them with scarlet eyes, her expression murderous as if she wanted to devour them. 

“Where did this wretched girl originate from?! She’s defying you!” 

The other two brothers felt a sense of injustice for their brother and rose to their feet. 

“It’s so vibrant here. What are you doing with my biological sister?” 

Vincent, carrying the sleeping Annie, slowly walked out of the terrace. 

Bio-biological sister?! 

The two people who had stood up glanced at each other before resuming their seats. 

The one who had been beaten, a stream of blood trickling from his hair, said with a grin, “Ah, so it’s Miss Anderson. Pardon me! Please forgive me!” 

“Bro! What are you attempting to do?!” Zoey’s eyes were like copper bells, her fury palpable as she saw her big brother clutching Annie. 

“Zoey,” Vincent furrowed his eyebrows and asked sternly, “what are you attempting to accomplish?” 

“Heh… You actually have the audacity to question me. Is it because I messed up your case? Do you think I scuppered your plan?!” Zoey was so enraged that her eyes turned red. 

“He looked down on you, but there’s nothing wrong with giving him a taste of his own medicine by hitting him with a bottle.” 

The three young masters were so terrified that they were like wooden ducks, not daring to even fart if they were bleeding. 

“But what did I tell you? Do you take it lightly? I said not to come to ACE unless you have something to do. You must let me know beforehand, and I’ll make arrangements for you.” 

Vincent’s eyebrow twitched seriously, and he scolded her like a father would his daughter. “What’s with this disobedience? Why won’t you let me worry? This place is a mess. How can I keep you safe if something happens?” 

“Don’t act like you care about me here, Vincent!” 

Zoey placed a hand on her hip and jabbed a finger at his face, her expression livid. “Confess it, you’re just mad because I ruined your scheme!” 

“Annie is the sister of Vincent’s second brother. You had the audacity to mess with her behind my back. Vincent, you have no shame!” 

“Zoey,” the man said, his eyes darkening. 

Zoey’s heart quivered and she retreated a tiny step. 

In her estimation, her big brother had never addressed her by her name; he must be really angry. 

“This ain’t none of your concern. Get on home and stay put!” Vincent took a deep breath and hollered. 

“I can head home, but you gotta come back with me!” 

The man gazed down at the slumbering Annie in his embrace. “I won’t be returning tonight. Go home right away. Don’t cause any trouble,” 

“What… Could it be that you want to do with her?!” Zoey’s voice was sharp and shrill, causing others to wince in pain at the sound. 


Vincent, not wanting to waste any more time, shouted. 

“I’m here, Mr. Anderson,” Yoona said hastily as she entered. 

“Escort the second young lady out. You will accompany her home yourself.” 


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