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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 255

Chapter 255 

“Mmm… You’re not Jordan… Would you please let go of me?” 

Kiran blushed as she had never been held by a man like this before. She struggled within Johan’s embrace. 

Her legs lacked strength, but her hands were pressed against the man’s chest as she tried in vain to push him away. 

“What’s this? Is it only my younger brother who can hold you? Do you… like him?” Johan’s dark gaze outlined Kiran’s face, which was as beautiful as a flower. 

Her delicate forehead was lightly coated with a glistening sheen of sweat, and her skin was as soft and fragile as porcelain, radiating two alluring blushes. This gave an impression of both innocence and desire, making it irresistible not to want to tease her. 

Stefan, from her superior genetic heritage, was among several ladies, and the most exquisite in terms of looks, was Sia, an artist by profession. 

This young lady, however, had flawlessly inherited her mother Sia’s beauty, appearing so tender that one could almost squeeze water out of her. 

Johan was a normal man, and in the presence of such a beautiful woman, it was only natural for his heart to flutter. 

“No, it’s not…” Kiran’s face turned even redder from embarrassment. 

“Well, in that case, let me escort you back to rest.” Johan’s large hand remained firmly on her slender waist, not letting go. 

“No, you really don’t have to, Lawyer Stewart… I can manage on my own.” 

“You can barely stand, there’s no need to push yourself.” 

Johan leaned in, his face getting dangerously close to hers, almost on the verge of a kiss. If it weren’t for Kiran pressing her hands firmly against his chest, their bodies would have become intimately close. 

“When we were kids, it wasn’t just Jordan. I’ve seen you before too. There’s no need to be so polite, you can call me Brother Johan, or Brother Stewart.” he said. 

“Ninth Miss!” 

An urgent call, and it instantly sobered Kiran up. 

If it weren’t for Jordan’s timely arrival, Johan might have really taken advantage of the situation just now, and it was just an inch away from something more intimate. 

This younger brother was trouble in the making! 

Johan quickly put on the facade of a righteous gentleman, helping Kiran steady herself, while casting a stern gaze in Jordan’s direction. 

“Ninth Miss, how did you end up…with my older brother?” Jordan’s voice trembled slightly as he asked, his eyes filled with anxiety. 

Just now, he had seen Kiran in Johan’s embrace, their bodies pressed closely together. From his perspective, it seemed like Johan was about to kiss her, and she didn’t show any resistance. 

His chest tightened uncontrollably, and he swallowed hard, feeling like his throat was stuffed with cotton. 

Kiran’s heart trembled, and she raised her hand to rub her eyes, “..” 

“Ninth Miss, please answer me!” Jordan was very anxious and took a step closer. 

Johan’s gaze darkened, and he quickly positioned himself in front of Kiran, who had turned pale. “Miss Nine was drunk, almost fell. I happened to be there and gave her a hand. What’s the problem?” 

“Are you really just helping her?” Jordan clenched his teeth. 

Recalling the unclear look Johan had when he stared at Kiran, his heart constricted. 

“Second brother, what are you implying? How can you make it sound like your big brother is some kind of scoundrel?” 

Johan furrowed his brow and laughed as if he was greatly wronged. “I’m a lawyer, I understand the law. This is Miss Nine’s home, and all the Thorp family members are present. What do you think I can do?” 

“Unlike you, second brother, who is now Director Thorp’s godson and highly regarded by Miss Thorp, you can naturally do as you please.” 

“Miss Nine has me to look after her, so there’s no need for you to worry. You should go and attend to your Miss.” 

Having said that, Johan turned away and cast a deep, affectionate glance at Kiran. 

At this moment, Jordan was so angry that he couldn’t even utter a “big brother.” His eyes were bloodshot, and he clenched 


his fists. 

“Brother, Brother Stewart.” 

Seeing her two brothers about to quarrel in front of her, Kiran weakly called out to Johan. “I’m fine now. I’m completely sober. Let’s go to the living room.” 

“Alright, I’ll go with you.” 

As the two were about to leave, Jordan couldn’t bear it any longer. His eyes were red as he rushed forward and grabbed Kiran’s delicate wrist. 

“Ah…” Kiran felt like her wrist was about to be crushed, and she clenched her brow in pain. 

“Ninth Miss, come with me.” 

Jordan pulled her in front of him, draping his arm over her shoulder, making her follow him. 

Kiran felt sad deep inside, she was a high-born young lady, yet she kept her head low in front of him, her eyes shimmering with tears. 

She originally didn’t want to go with him, but she couldn’t deny the desire to be with him. 

What should she do? 

She liked Jordan so much, so much… 

As the two of them walked away, Johan didn’t pursue them. 

He wouldn’t do anything that would harm his pride for the sake of a woman. 

Watching the seemingly perfect couple, Johan remembered the reddened eyes of Jordan when he had competed for her. 

sly smile tugged at his lips. “If you can be Director Thorp’s executive godson, why 

Suddenly, Johan realized something and 

can’t I become President Thorp’s son-in-law?” 

Jordan returned to her own bedroom with Kiran, firmly closing the door behind them. 

“Ugh… I feel so… uncomfortable.” Kiran murmured as she lay on the sofa, her chest heaving gently. 

Despite her earlier confusion, she was beginning to feel a bit intoxicated once more. 

Jordan, who had initially been frustrated with her, saw her discomfort and noticed that her earlier resentment was fading 


“Your tolerance for alcohol has never been great. Why did have to drink so much?” 


Sighing, Jordan shook his head and quickly poured a glass of water from the coffee table. He bent down and offered it to Kiran, saying, “Miss Nine, please have some water.” 

“I don’t want it.” 

Kiran said gloomily as she turned over, her voice tinged with a touch of bitterness. “You can leave, I want to rest.” 

“But don’t sleep here, you might catch a cold.” 

“I don’t want you to care. Go take care of my sister!” Kiran curled up into a ball, sounding somewhat petulant, and yelled at 


Jordan was suddenly taken aback, and he felt a dull ache in his chest. 

Then, with furrowed brows and determination, he scooped Kiran up without a word and strode into her bedroom. 

“Uh… Jordan, please let me down!” Kiran’s heart raced wildly as she spoke. 

Kiran’s legs frembled as her fuzzy slippers fell to the floor, revealing her adorable and gleaming little feet. 

Jordan heard the sound and instinctively glanced down. 

At the sight of Kiran’s fair feet, he felt as if he were committing a crime. He quickly looked away, his mouth going dry, and his heartbeat spiraling into chaos. 

Jordan gently placed Kiran on the bed and covered her with the blanket. 

“Rest well, Miss Nine. Goodnight.” 

Kiran, with her drunken, hazy eyes, grabbed Jordan’s hand, a surge of unknown strength pulling him off balance and causing him to fall on top of her. 

In that moment, his chest pressed against her softness, their noses touched. 

And his lips met her tender ones. 

“Um…” Kiran squinted her drunken eyes, immobilized by Jordan’s weight, her toes curling shyly. 

Their lips met, and Jordan stared in astonishment, his body trembling, blood surging like a galloping horse. 

So sweet… 

It was as sweet as eating cotton candy…. 

Kiran slowly lost consciousness, her arms encircling Jordan’s neck, deepening the kiss as she savored his moist lips. 

Outside the window, the night was soft, and the crescent moon seemed to be secretly smiling at them. 

The dinner ended on a discordant note due to Johan’s presence. 

The Stewart family had come in three cars. As they prepared to leave, Jeremy coldly said, “Johan, come with me in one car. I need to talk to you.” 

“Jordan, you and your mother take another car back.” 

Johan’s face darkened, and he pursed his lips as he followed his father into the car. 

Jordan sat in the back seat with his mother, and his older brother, Jevon, sat in the front passenger seat. 

In the dimly lit car, Mrs. Stewart noticed that Jordan’s cheeks were abnormally flushed, his eyes vacant, and his breathing somewhat erratic. 

“Jordan, what’s the matter? Are you feeling unwell? Do you have a fever?” Mrs. Stewart was always/protective of her youngest son and got nervous at the slightest sign of trouble. 

“Huh? Mom, what did you say?” Jordan was somewhat absent-minded, and his gaze was still unfocused. 

It seemed like he hadn’t fully detached himself from that kiss tonight. 

“Jordan, why is your face so red?” 

Jevon teasingly looked at his reflection in the rearview mirror and said, “You see, A-Bro, the first time I kissed my first love, my face was as red as yours.” 

“Second brother, you’re making things up.” 

Jordan cleared his throat and his face grew even redder. “Mom, I’m fine, no need to worry.” 

“By the way, I’ll come to pick up Miss Thorp early tomorrow, and we’ll return to Medo together. My long vacation is over, and it’s time to get back to work with Miss Thorp.” 

Mrs. Stewart remembered her precious son, who had humbly wiped Chloe’s feet in front of everyone tonight. She felt uncomfortable and furrowed her brows. “Jordan, you used to work for Young Master Thorp, the CEO of KS Group. Being his secretary was promising for your future.” 

“Why did you leave a good job to become Miss Thorp’s secretary? What kind of future can you have working by her side? In the end, the Thorp family business will be passed to their eldest son. 

“Mom, haven’t you been keeping up with the news lately? Miss Thorp is a well-known figure in Medo now.” 

“She’s even earned the nickname ‘Majestic Heiress’ from her fans. I think her capabilities aren’t inferior to Young Master Thorp.” Jevon couldn’t help but interject. 

“That’s all because of her father, Stefan Thorp. She can do whatever she wants, unhindered.” Mrs. Stewart said, somewhat disgruntled. 

“Mom, Miss Thorp is very good to me, and I’m happy and fulfilled working by her side.” 

Jordan held his mother’s hand, his gaze intense and passionate. “Most importantly, she needs me. As long as she needs me, I’ll stay by her side through thick and thin.” 

“Unless, she doesn’t want me by her side anymore.” 

Mrs. Stewart was taken aback, and her heart turned cold. 

She couldn’t help but feel a sense of déjà vu, as if her son had married and forgotten his mother. She felt both anxious and indignant. 

Jevon also looked at his younger brother in disbelief. This deep and intense expression seemed no different from confessing to Chloe. 


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