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A Billion-Rich Woman Was Chased by Her EX-Husband novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53 

Everyone was shocked


Skyler and her two plastic sisters opened their mouths in shock

Jordan took the necklace and held it in front of Skyler. His eyes were cold and serious

Miss Sawle, take a look. Is this necklace you lost?” 

This, this” 

Skyler took it in shock and suddenly shouted as if someone had stepped on her tail, Ah! My necklaceHow did my necklace become like this? Who did this?” 

Everyone looked closely and saw that the luxurious necklace was broken into several pieces

When our manager heard that you had lost your necklace, he 

immediately dispatched me to scour the entire presidential suite in a carpetstyle search. Eventually, I discovered your necklace tucked away beneath the sofa.” 

However, when we found it, it had already become like this. As for the specific reason, we don’t know.Jordan replied in a clear and cold voice. “Did you catch that? I said she was just aimlessly lazing about, correct? If she couldn’t recall where she had placed it, she would just blame it on the hotel. She thought that spending a few smelly bucks would mean everything would all be hers!” 

Oh my god, this diamond is too big! Who would wear such an exaggerated necklace for no reason? Isn’t this attracting thieves?” 

Hearing the mockery around her, Skyler’s face was so dark that it was about to wring out ink. She gritted her teeth and said, So what if I found it? Does this prove that my necklace was not stolen by your employees?” 

She must have been unable to transport the stolen goods out, so she hid it under the sofa and waited for us all to leave so that she can sneak it out 

and sell it!” 

I didn’t! I didn’t!” 

The waiter was not as sharptongued as Skyler. She was so angry that it was difficult to breathe, let alone defend herself

If it was stealing, it wouldn’t destroy a good necklace. It is not something 



that is inconvenient to carry out.” 

Chloe’s clear eyes turned cold, I think someone deliberately did this, not to steal something, but to vent her anger on your necklace, as if she couldn’t see you being better than her.” 

When she said this, Skyler was suddenly stunned

The two girlfriends behind her were stunned and became turtle honey

Since our hotel has helped you find the necklace, the crime of employee theft is not valid. If you insist on pursuing this matter to the end, I will accompany you.” 

With this, Chloe turned to look at the female friends behind Skyler, This necklace, when I asked my secretary to take it, it was very carefully handled. The police will be here soon. You can give the necklace to the police and ask them to identify the fingerprints.” 

This diamond is so big. It is not difficult to collect a fingerprint, is it?” 

Yes, yes, yes! Fingerprint identification!” 

Good idea! It should be done like this!” 

The surrounding people also joined in

The two beauties, their faces like they had been slapped, hurriedly pulled Skyler. Alright, alright, Skyler. You are a person of status. If you continue to cause trouble, you will lose face. Repairing it is more than enough. When it’s time to give others a break, give them a break. Let’s go” 

Skyler also felt that it would be a joke if this continued, so she put the necklace into her Hermes bag and walked out with her head held high

Wait a minute, Third Miss Sawle.Chloe suddenly called out to her in

cold voice

What are you doing again? Are you done?” 

Now that the necklace has been found, you have no evidence to prove that it was stolen by our employees. Just now, you humiliated our hotel employee in front of so many guests. Do you think that you should give an explanation for this matter?” 

Explanation? Ha, I am a guest. Your hotel service is so stupid, yet you still let me give an explanation. Are you crazy?Skyler laughed in anger. Why is this person like this? Is she really Sawle family’s daughter?The other guests discussed in dissatisfaction

Everyone saw how the little girl apologized to her just now. She almost 


knelt down to her. What else does she want?” 

Exactly! Not only is she narrowminded, but she is also so rude!” 

The waitress stood there with her arms crossed and her back hunched, tears silently falling from her eyes

If the service of our hotel staff is lacking, you can complain, but slandering our employees for stealing is a different story.” 

At the very least, you should apologize.” Chloe’s eyebrows revealed a cold stubbornness

You want me to apologize to her? I came here to spend money, not to apologize to a waiter. Is there a manager like you?” 

Skyler was furious and was about to flip out when she heard a boomThe waiter actually fell straight to the ground, her whole body stiff, her eyes rolling and twitching

Everyone and Skyler were all dumbfounded. Only Chloe immediately reacted and knelt down beside the waiter

She reached out to untie the girl’s belt and the black vest she was wearing, keeping her breathing smooth

At this moment, the girl was already foaming at the mouth

It’s epilepsy, Jordan! Call the ambulance!” 

Chloe instructed as she tilted the girl’s head to prevent her from choking on her secretions

I’ve called the ambulance, it’ll be here soon!” 

A deep, deep, magnetic voice pierced through Chloe’s back

She suddenly turned around and saw that Joseph was standing behind her at some point in time. He was dressed in a suit and was handsome and tall, just like a pine with a chilly aura. It was eyecatching

Their eyes met, and time seemed to freeze at this moment. Their breathing was also pressed down

It’s Mr. Sawle! It’s really Mr. Sawle!Someone recognized him

Second, second brotherSkyler did not expect that Joseph would appear, and her heart was flustered

She was still somewhat afraid of Joseph. Even if Aubree secretly scolded him for being an illegitimate child, it was undeniable that right now in Sawle Group, second brother had the final say


Max, take the Third Miss away first. Hurry up.Joseph ordered expressionlessly

At this moment, someone had already secretly taken a video recording. If they delayed any further, Sawle Group would probably lose all face

Max did not dare to delay and hurriedly went forward to drag Skyler, who was still in a daze, out

Chloe sneered in her heart and withdrew her cold and emotionless gaze

That’s right, this was Joseph. His heart was colder than ice

He would never consider who was right and who was wrong. He had always considered the vested interests at hand and would only consider Sawle family’s face

Not good! She wants to bite her own tongue!Jordan shouted in panic

Chloe’s heart tightened. In a moment of desperation, she actually stuffed her wrist into the girl’s mouth

The girl fiercely bit her delicate and fair wrist. The sharp pain that caused one’s scalp to go numb instantly spread throughout all of her limbs and bones. However, she did not even bat an eyelid, forcefully enduring this pain

You!Joseph’s body shook, and it was too late to stop it

Helplessly, he watched as she used her petite and slender body, without hesitation, to save the patient, her courage and kindness as a doctor 


This scene gave Joseph a longlost shock

Suddenly, the image of Little white pigeon’s thin and weak figure appeared in his mind

In the battlefield that year, Little white pigeon was also like this. She placed his heavily injured body on the straw mat, tied it with a hemp rope, and dragged him far away… 

Don’t despair! We can all live! We must live!” 

Later, the camp was in chaos. He could not find Little white pigeon, but he found the hemp rope. It was soaked with blood. He did not know how her hands became

As his thoughts rose and fell, Joseph’s numb fingertips tightened, and his 

chest felt like it was stuffed with cotton

Soon, the ambulance arrived and the female service student was sent to 


the car


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