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A Bird in the Cage novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 What Should You Call Me?

Bitterness immediately filled up her heart. All her resistance only brought her back to the start. No matter how hard she struggled to escape, she was still trapped in his solid cage, unable to break free.

However, she refused to accept the reality and was extremely unwilling to be stuck between him and his wife.

“I’ll hate you if you insist on doing this to me!”

Hearing her words, Ryan was stunned for a moment, and then his face fell.

Reaching out his finger, he lifted her chin and met her gaze. There was a strong sense of loath and a trace of desolation in her eyes. Something

immediately tugged at his heartstrings.

Ignoring that feeling, he continued with a harsh tone, “I don’t care if you hate me or not. Now go and get me a cup of tea!”

It turned out that he really didn’t care about her at all. She was just an insignificant presence to him. (This novel will be daily updtaed at www.noveljar.com)When sorrow brewed to a certain extent, her heart went numb and her feelings for him completely died. She had no choice but to obey his orders and demands.

Sliding off his lap, Catherine refrained from crying. From now on, she wasn’t going to shed a single tear for him.

She took the cup and walked out the door, while Ryan ruffled his hair in frustration.

Initially, he wanted to pull her onto his lap and pepper her with kisses. His original intention was

to seduce her or to try to make her fall in love with him, but what he did was entirely different from what he had planned. It was as if his actions had deviated from his initial intentions when he was with her.

Soon, Catherine brought the cup of tea into the room. Even though she brewed the same packet of tea using the same way, it tasted different because the emotions she poured into it were different from before.

“Prepare a full-course meal for dinner tonight. Now go, I want to eat before 6.”

“OK,” she replied curtly. It sounded as if she was yielding to fate, but at the same time, it also sounded like a silent protest. How ironic! She just declared that she wasn’t going to cook for him anymore in the afternoon, but now she had no choice but to take back her words. What else could she do with her lowly status?

Furrowing his brows, he continued working in silence.

At 5:50, Catherine had dinner prepared.

“Mr. Walker.”

“I’m being polite, Mr. Walker.” She wanted to remind herself to draw a clear line with him.


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