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A Call That Changed Her Entire Life novel Chapter 1594

Since the HT Group's sales promotion was such a huge success, orders for their products skyrocketed. Because of this, all their employees had to work twice as much as they used to. Even the CEO, Jacob, had to stay in the office late just to keep up with work. With one hand on his forehead, he checked the list sent to him by the purchasing department even though he was suffering from a headache.

“Mr. Gu, since you are here every day until midnight, why don't you just temporarily stay in your office bedroom for now? That way, work will be a lot more convenient for you and you'll be able to get a lot of things done quickly. And besides, it would be a waste if you only use that gorgeous room for short naps,“ Sam casually uttered to Jacob while he was holding a freshly brewed cup of Longjing tea. As Jacob's right-hand man, Sam couldn't let him continue in his pale, fatigued state without offering a solution.

Focused on the work in front of him, Jacob didn't bother to answer and just responded with a single shake of his head.

Seeing this, Sam couldn't help but sigh and add, “Really, Mr. Gu? I'm sure your wife wouldn't want you to tire yourself out. She'll understand if you stay here for a while.“

That being said, Sam knew his suggestion was a long shot since Jacob was a man who cared for his wife. A few years ago when the CEO's office was redecorated, an elegant bedroom had been built behind a wall. It was just like a home, complete with all the facilities that a person needed to live. Unfortunately, Jacob never used it apart from taking a nap sometimes in the afternoons.

With a reluctant smile, Jacob thought to himself about how little his assistant knew about him. No matter how tired Jacob was at work, seeing his family at home would always give him a burst of energy. In fact, it was the only way he could get rid of his stress. With this in mind, he couldn't help but think of the smiles of his beautiful wife and children waiting for him at home.

It was a husband's duty to sleep next to his wife every night. And this was a mindset that Jacob insisted on fulfilling no matter how hard his days were.

“I have to go back home,“ he uttered with a somewhat cheerful attitude, and then took a sip of his tea. Right after that, he stood up and added, “If you're wondering why, being at home with my family is where I'm happiest.“

Upon hearing those words, Sam just kept his mouth closed since he knew there was nothing else he could say to persuade his boss.

“Anyway, tell the driver to wait for me downstairs. I'm leaving in a few minutes,“ Jacob casually ordered while sorting out his things.

After a while, Jacob was already on his way home, sitting in the backseat of his luxurious car. He stared outside the window to enjoy the scenery, but nothing could compare to the joy he felt when he saw how close he was to the Tyrone Mansion. For so long, Emily and his three children had made him feel like he was the happiest and luckiest man in the world. Unfortunately, family members were mere mortals who could easily get hurt by being close to one of the most powerful businessmen.

That was why Jacob was working as much as he could, no matter how tired he was. All of his efforts were to guarantee the safety of his family, especially since the man who could ruin everything for him was his business rival, Darren.

That being said, Jacob couldn't help but consider leaving everything behind. He wasn't against the idea of living life as a normal family man with his wife and three children. For Jacob, the thought of going shopping with Emily, preparing three meals a day, and picking up the children from school was something he could happily do for the rest of his life, especially since he would have the time to go to the countryside for an outing in the warm spring, count the stars by the lake in the summer night, play around in the fiery red maple leaves of autumn, and make snowmen at the foot of the mountains in winter.

Deep in his heart, he would give up his company to have the simple life he imagined. But as a responsible and reasonable man, he knew that simply leaving while Darren was still around wasn't an option if he wanted to live the rest of his life without worries. Therefore, Jacob had no other choice but to fight with Darren until his rival was completely out of business and powerless. It was all for the sake of his wife and children.

Meanwhile, Jacob's driver could sense that his boss was eager to go home. As a result, he drove as fast as he could, and they arrived at the Tyrone Mansion in no time.

Seeing the bright lights of the mansion, Jacob instantly felt warm in his heart. He couldn't help but rush inside to see everyone's happy faces.

“I'm back!“ Jacob gleefully exclaimed as soon as he opened the door. Since there was no response, he went inside to look for everyone. When he passed through the dining room, he saw Emily dressed in a floral apron, putting the last bowl of soup on the table. Right after that, he heard the sound of children playing upstairs.

Realizing that he had arrived just in time, a cheerful smile made its way on his face.

When he walked towards his lovely wife, he saw that all the dishes on the table were his favorites. He hadn't really been hungry when he arrived. But when he saw everything in front of him, his stomach growled like a man who hadn't eaten anything for days. Without wasting another second, he picked up some nearby chopsticks and tried tasting a few dishes.

“Hey! You haven't washed your hands yet!“ Emily angrily exclaimed while pretending to look at him with disdain. Jacob was forced to put down his chopsticks. But before he could tell her how hungry he was, she pulled him to the bathroom and added, “You always tell the children to wash their hands before having a meal every day. As a father, you should set an example, okay?“

“My bad. But in my defense, your cooking just looked so scrumptious that I couldn't control myself,“ Jacob playfully replied while walking towards the bathroom. He was so happy that he even looked back at Emily with a smirk on his face.

“Don't change the topic. Just wash your hands!“

With both her hands on her waist, Emily supervised Jacob's hand washing. Unfortunately, the bottle of hand wash was empty, so she raised her hand to grab a refill packet from the medicine cabinet.

Chapter 1594 The Reason For Coming Home 1

Chapter 1594 The Reason For Coming Home 2

Chapter 1594 The Reason For Coming Home 3


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