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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058 She Absolutely Has To Go

Natalie was utterly dumbfounded. What? How come? Ordinary people don’t usually get invited to royal banquets like these! Even the wealthy don’t get invited unless they have connections or are doing business with the royal family! Why would a nobody like me receive such a grand invitation?

Natalie’s frown deepened. “Do you know why I’m being invited to Prince Jonathan’s birthday party?”

Jerome didn’t know the actual reason she was invited, but he could make a rough guess based on the invitation card and what his superior had told him.

“Don’t overthink it, Natalie. This probably has something to do with that bank robbery a while back. I kept my mouth shut about it, but there were quite a lot of soldiers who witnessed your heroic acts. You saved that boy who got shot and let the robbers take you hostage in place of that woman who was eight months pregnant. I’m guessing Prince Jonathan invited you over so he could give you an award.”

“I see…” Natalie nodded as she gave it some thought. The royal family of Loang does have the power to grant awards like these, so Jerome’s explanation makes perfect sense.

Even so, there are lots of complicated power struggles within the royal family of Loang. I’m only here to do business. I have no interest in learning more about the royal family, let alone getting close to them like this.

“Jerome, can I not attend this party?” she asked tentatively.

“I’m afraid not. I know you don’t like attending social events like these, but you have no choice in this particular one. Invitations from the royal family aren’t the same as invitations from fellow businessmen. According to the local customs, if you insist on turning the invitation down, you will have to explain your reason to Prince Jonathan in person and obtain his permission.

Unlike in Chanaea, Loang practices absolute monarchy, so the king holds ultimate power in the country. Although things aren’t as crazy as they were in the past, the royal family’s authority is still not to be challenged by ordinary folks like you and me.


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