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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121 The Faster The Better

Jerome could never forget the image of Natalie’s protective figure standing in front of him when they were children. Back then, he still wasn’t the son of a Loang general but a child in the countryside. Often, he was bullied by children older than him.

While his mother was heartbroken over the treatment he received from other kids, she couldn’t keep her eye on him all the time. Hence, after Natalie learned about his situation, she always kept him by her side. When those children tried to bully him, she would retaliate like a tiny, angry leopard.

At that age, Jerome still had no idea what beauty was, but he didn’t forget what it was like to be protected by someone. That feeling was something he would never forget until the day he died.

Seeing how Natalie was momentarily stunned, Jerome continued, “Relax. I personally interrogated Zophie and have changed her testimony, too. Since the jade key is now in the royal family’s hands, I’ll let this matter go. Don’t worry. You and your children won’t be affected.”

She hesitated slightly. There was even a look of avoidance in her eyes because the jade key was actually still in her possession. The key Jerome took from Zophie was a copy Varre had made.

The jade key was of vital importance. While she was still uncertain if the key was a blessing or a curse, what she did know was that if the key fell into the wrong hands, the situation would be dire.

Since the key was the last thing Yumi’s birth mother and family had left for her, Natalie believed it solely belonged to Yumi. She wouldn’t give the key to anyone without obtaining Yumi’s permission beforehand.

“What’s the matter with you, Natalie?” Jerome asked with suspicion. “Why do you look so serious right now?”

Upon lifting her head, she turned her attention to him. Again, she hesitated but ultimately kept the secret to herself. “It’s nothing. I think I’m just slightly tired after talking for so long. My body hasn’t fully recovered, after all.”

She paused before lowering her eyes. “Thank you, Jerome. Truly. You disobeyed military orders to change the testimony for me, and I’m very grateful for it. However, please don’t do something like this for me again. You and your parents have done a lot for me already…”

Instead of arguing with her, he simply nodded because he was aware of Natalie’s personality. “Okay. I promise.”



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