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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 1153

Chapter 1153 Lunatic

Bastien uttered those words affectionately with an utterly pained look in his eyes. However, staring into his adoring eyes, Natalie couldn’t sense his sincerity. “W-Why are you here?” Instead of answering him, she replied to him with a question.

“Ha!” As if he had heard the world’s greatest joke, Bastien knitted her brows. “Natalie, why are you asking me that question now? If it weren’t for me, there wouldn’t be anyone to bandage your wounds. You might’ve died here before being officially convicted.”

To his surprise, she laughed. “In that case, I should really thank you.” Bastien fell silent as his pupils constricted. Her gratitude was laced with endless mockery and contempt toward him.

“Of course, you have to thank me.” He suppressed the anger in his chest and continued, “If you don’t express your gratitude to me, who else should you thank? Samuel Bowers? What is he capable of? He can’t even come here to visit you while you’re being detained and tortured here. He’s nothing compared to me!”

Gazing into Bastien’s eyes, Natalie couldn’t help but notice how that man in front of her had become more like a stranger to her now compared to when they first met.

That sense of unfamiliarity gave her the feeling as if she had never understood him.

“Bastien, should I thank you for watching as I get tormented when you clearly had the power to stop me from getting punished? Or should I thank you for allowing me to remember the pain and hatred after enduring all the sufferings, then appearing before me on your high horse so that I won’t forget your kindness of sparing my life? If it were Samuel, he would have willingly borne everything for me instead of allowing me to sustain an injury like this. Bastien, I can’t believe you even attempt to compare yourself to him. You’re inferior to Samuel in every aspect!”


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