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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 1184

Chapter 1184 Threats

After bowing to Mikhail, Natalie stared straight at him, contemplating every possible move she could make. If I rip out my mask and tell him that Bastien did all this just so he could marry me, what would my odds of winning be? Obviously, I won’t have to marry Bastien if I cause such a huge stir in front of all these people, but whatever happens afterward may be entirely beyond my control.

What Bastien did is a huge disgrace to the royal family for sure. I can’t predict how Mikhail would deal with him or if Mikhail would show him mercy because of their father-and-son relationship, but one thing’s for sure—the royal family of Loang will regard me as a plague.

The fact that she had managed to leave unscathed after turning down Bastien’s proposal back then was already a miracle. However, she could not be confident about getting the same outcome on that day.

If Mikhail were to set his mind on removing the so-called plague that was her, Samuel and her five children could end up being dragged into the whole ordeal too.

Mikhail may not do anything to Samuel and the kids, but their safety still can’t be guaranteed. What if something happens to them after I leave this hall?

As the woman increasingly tightened her grip on the silk ribbon, her nails dug into her palms, forming crescent-shaped marks on her skin.

“Bastien, now that you’re settling down to start your own family with the youngest daughter of the Lovas family, you’ve officially become mature and independent. Continue to spare no effort when it comes to our nation’s affairs. Don’t let me down,” Mikhail advised while seated on the throne.

“Don’t worry, Father. I’ll remember every piece of your advice,” Bastien responded courteously.

Then, Mikhail’s eyes fell on Natalie.


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