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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 1198

Chapter 1198 Protect Her At All Cost

Meanwhile, the fight between the men of King and Mikhail began to intensify. Mikhail’s guards did everything they could to protect the safety of the royal family. However, the Blaze team that was set up by King was well-trained. As such, they started to gain the upper hand in the fight.

In order to protect his mother, Bastien quickly became King’s target. Furthermore, his left leg had been shot by King in the past. Therefore, his combat skill was no longer sharp as before.

King pointed his gun at Bastien’s right leg before raising his eyebrow leisurely. There was an arrogant smile on his face. “Your left leg doesn’t look good. If your right leg gets shot, it may make you whole again.”

Frieda was worried about her son, so she stood in front of Bastien and cried out to Helma, “Helma, this man is your father after all! Please ask him to stop! Bastien may lose the use of one of his legs. If he loses the other, he will really become a cripple! Now, you are the only one who can get your father to change his mind! Please! I beg of you!”

Helma’s eyes reddened. A melancholic smile appeared on her face as she glanced at Frieda. “Lady Frieda, isn’t it great if Bastien becomes a cripple?” Frieda was aghast. “H-How can you say something like this?”

“Am I wrong to say that?” With her disheveled hair, Helma looked terrifying. “Even if Bastien becomes disabled, I will still take care of him. Furthermore, he can never go anywhere else if he loses both his legs. This way, he will stay by my side forever.”

Frieda gasped, and a thought popped up in her mind. Helma has gone crazy.

King loomed over them and said gleefully, “Helma has been kind enough to give all of you a chance. However, no one appreciated her! Since that’s the case, you shouldn’t expect her to beg for you! I will cripple him today!”

Ever since Bastien found out about Natalie’s background, he had given up hope completely.

In fact, he was so deep in his thoughts that he did not sense the impending danger.


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