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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 1224

Chapter 1224

Based on what I know about Mikhail's personality, I think he would've done something unbecoming of a king for his lover's child. If that had happened, it would've been a curse instead of a blessing. As Natalie took another sip of her coffee, she thought it was getting bitter. God is indeed fair in His decisions. A person is destined to lose something when enjoying an incredible privilege.

She then brewed another pot of coffee because the last one was too bitter for her taste.

After she refilled her and Mikhail's cups, they became silent again.

Even though one couldn't change the past, it was precisely the accumulation of past events that resulted in the current situation.

Mikhail wondered if he could've avoided the tragedy if he had been given another chance to redo his decision.

Meanwhile, his coffee was getting cold.

Hence, Natalie reminded, "If you want to drink your coffee, you should do it before it turns cold."

Of course, he didn't care about the coffee. An urge swirled in his heart as he stared at her. In the end, he blurted out that thought. "Can you give me a chance to make things up to you, Natalie? I want to tell everyone in this country that you're my daughter, the rightful princess of Loang and heir apparent to the throne. Once I've abdicated as the king, you'll be Loang's queen and rule over the entire country. What do you think?"

She was so shocked by his proposal that she momentarily failed to hold the cup in her hand properly, causing the coffee inside to spill onto the table. "I think it's a bad idea."


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