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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371 Plan Ruined By The Four Little Ones


Natalie had previously assumed that Samuel would be spending his thirtieth birthday together with her and the four little ones.



However, it was only when Samuel took her to the hot spring resort that she realized that he had left the four kids at the Bowers residence.


As such, right after they got out of the car, Natalie couldn’t help but ask, “Samuel, is it really just the two of us today?”


“Franklin and Sophia are too clingy. If they were here, your attention would be focused on them,” the man replied while holding her chin. “Today is my birthday. I want to have all of you today. Every second of your time is mine,” Samuel said in his deep voice.




Natalie chuckled when she heard that.



“What are you laughing about?” Samuel asked, frowning.


“I’m laughing at how childish you sound,” Natalie patted his hand and said, “You’re already thirty years old. I can’t believe you are jealous of four five-year-old kids.”




Samuel released his grip on her chin and smiled affectionately.


“Whatever you say. Anyway, you won’t be able to escape tonight,” he replied.




Natalie’s heart did a double somersault at the man’s words.


She was at a loss and was biting her lips nervously, pretending that she did not know what he was talking about. Seeing that, the corners of Samuel’s lips curled up into a smile. There’s no use pretending. I’m definitely not gonna let you off.


He had desired her all this while but tried hard to control himself. Not wanting to scare her, he decided to take it slow.


Even though the memories had faded, his body could still clearly remember the ecstasy and satisfaction it felt from that fateful night six years ago.


The pair walked into the resort hand in hand.


As steam rose from the open-air hot spring, mist enveloped the entire area, creating scenery that looked just like paradise.


After Natalie changed into her bathrobe, she stood on the ground barefooted and felt especially comfortable and relaxed.


Just then, the phone rang.


Before Natalie could pick up the call, Samuel rejected it and switched off her phone.




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