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A Cue for Love novel Chapter 396

Chapter 396 Into The Depths Of Hell

As Melissa spoke, Yvonne and Thomas turned their heads toward her.

They only turned their head instinctively, not because they wanted to see how Yandel would react.

In their eyes, Melissa was their precious beloved daughter. It only made sense for her to be slightly displeased. Not to mention disciplining a secretary.

Yandel’s face turned frigid and his eyes suddenly darkened.

Does this woman really have no respect for anyone? She even dared to provoke my boss directly!

When Yandel was about to snap back at Melissa and put her in her place, Natalie gently cleared her throat and said, “You’re right, Ms. Nichols. I will pay attention in the future.”

Naturally, Yandel understood what Natalie was hinting at, and his face returned to its previous calm state. But he stiffened his muscles under the sleeves so hard that the veins on his arms started popping out.

At first, he put up an act for Natalie.

However, Yandel was irritated by Melissa’s opening remarks at that moment.

Melissa had already crossed his bottom line, and he wouldn’t be satisfied until he plunged her straight into the depths of hell.

“Melissa, she’s just a secretary.” Yandel forced a smile and pinched Melissa’s cheek. “If you don’t like her, I’ll have her replaced immediately.”

“Well, as long as she learned her lesson, there’s no need to replace her.” Melissa was overjoyed by Yandel’s passionate gestures, and her face began to blush. All of her previous self-doubts disappeared in an instant.

Yvonne and Thomas smiled at each other and exchanged glances. They were tacitly aware of Melissa’s infatuation with Yandel and excited about Dexmed Pharmaceutical’s future.

“You must be Yandel. Come in and have a seat.” Yvonne invited Yandel to sit in the living room as the hostess. “I’m Melissa’s mother.”

“What? I thought you were Melissa’s elder sister. You look so young. I couldn’t even tell your age.”


“Really? Oh, you really know how to flatter me. I’m not as young as you say.” Yvonne replied, but she was triumphantly joyful in her heart.

Yandel looked at Thomas and nodded. “Sir, what happened between our business was not something I could control. I hope you can forgive me.”

Thomas took a puff from his cigar and stated, “It’s all in the past. Now that you and Melissa are getting together, I believe that there will be no more conflicts between Dexmed Pharmaceutical and Dream in the future.”


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